
That is an open threat. Terrorism as politics.
sure it’s heritage being heritage, but their continued escalation of the violent rhetoric and threats is not to be taken lightly. especially not after j6
I really liked those 3 years of sleep I got not having existential stress insomnia, but here we are again.
He should be talking about the second war of the rebellion. May it end as ignominiously as the first.
Boy, I really wish Bisen would use his newly-granted immunity to send the Heritage Foundation to Gitmo.
To be perfectly clear: Republican Party politics as domestic terrorism.
And, seriously and with all due respect, isn't it likely that a relentless focus on the Revolutionary and Early Republic periods in school history classes plays into the hands of conservatives who want government, and our understanding of it, to begin and end with the Constitution?
My problem with the word "revolution" is that after a revolution you end up where you started. It's a problem that school history teaches monarchy as an aberration and an obstacle to be transcended rather than a modal form of political organization.
Yet another threat. If the north had just sat back and "allowed" slavery to be, there would have been no Civil War. Alas, some goods are just worth fighting for. This threat will not be allowed to pass unanswered.
There’s a deep hatred in these fascists. Years of baseless media attacks are coming to fruition. Americans will cut off their nose to smite their face.
The Left is well known 2A advocates
"Going high when they go low" sure has worked out well, huh.