
sure it’s heritage being heritage, but their continued escalation of the violent rhetoric and threats is not to be taken lightly. especially not after j6
ah they are on here
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
when he says “the left,” he is referring to any and all opponents of the dictatorship. that includes all democrats
My dad, who for years was a dyed in the wool, I listen to Rush Limbaugh and think all Democrats are bad type, is now coming to terms with the fact that the only political option for someone who isn't onboard with Trump and all that is the Democrats. That he is considered an enemy for not liking Rs.
It has been fascinating to see him step back and 1) Analyze the media he takes in and broaden it 2) See the conservative movement that he supported for years become this more and more grotesque thing in service of a terrible man and counter to our nation's ideals
Show your dad the transcripts, please.
🤬 This is the man the MAGAs want as our President - THIS GUY??? (this is from just released Jeffrey Epstein court documents) Full documents: #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024
Oh, he knows. He doesn't like Trump at all. He is starting to understand the stakes of this election in particular now after the Supreme Court ruling.He voted for him in 2016, didn't vote for him in 2020 and won't again this year. He didn't vote for Biden though, and I don't think he would this time
"Remain bloodless" is a complete lie in any case, because they'll kill anyone who tries to oppose them and won't back down.
Democrats are letting it happen so I wouldn't call them opponents.
Bullshit. They want to kill or forcibly convert queer people. They want blood regardless.
& it's not bloodless. We have seen significant year on year increases in political violence in the US since 2015. The extremism/bigotry based incidents are through the roof. Threats and intimidation directed at public health and school officials are also through the roof and have been since 2020.
Trump has blood on his hands, not even counting Covid. Jamal Khashoggi. I remember.
Many more. He's a mobster, just like his buddy Putin.
🤬 This is the man the MAGAs want as our President - THIS GUY??? (this is from just released Jeffrey Epstein court documents) Full documents: #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024
Exactly. They've been violent. They've abducted people off the street. They've wiped their shit on the walls of the Capitol and tried to bomb Dem offices. They've attacked the Speaker of the House in her home. Not remotely bloodless.
Yes, "bloodless" is just Heritage- Federalist Soc double speak
I’m a “lib” but considering the Supreme Court’s immunity decision applies to the current President, I think he should use it to do all the things that need to be done. Then let the Courts spend the next 20-50 years sorting it out.
Everyone expected fascism to come to America wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. But nobody expected that the vanguard would be a fucking polished knob named Kevin.
I don’t know. A knob named Kevin seems right on point
I don't recall any leftists being involved in J6, which was pretty damned bloody. So maybe Mr. Heritage needs to look in the mirror.
I see it more as a threat. Like, “just hand over the money in the vault and everyone goes home to see their family”
We all know TFG is evil personified. What we fail to see at times is that he's being aided and abetted by sneaky little shits like Mr. Heritage and his minions, along with the speaker of the house, Mitch McConnell, SCOTUS and all those others who are up for a fascist takeover. They all scare me!
I thought Heritage were supposed to be the respectable face who *didn't* say the quiet bits out loud?
they been openly fascist for awhile now
Yeah, it's really weird. They used to be more Kristol/Buckleyesque. Sneering at people. Now this guy wants a body count.
They are. They are. What's changed is the Overton Window of respectability. What, exactly, is going to happen in response? What are American antifascists willing to do in response? Will you wait for the institutions that have failed you this far to not fail you going forward?
That's a dude just begging to get his hard boiled egg-lookin-ass head split open by a silver-knobbed cane
He’s right about a Second American Revolution, though. The first one was against a King, and gave birth to a Republic. The second one is against a democracy, and it just gave birth to an Empire. They made tRump Emperor and aren’t shy to say it out loud.
The problem with tiny threats is they grow into big ones and serious ones as people like this are left unchecked. So each time they say this and do stuff like this, they get a tiny bit more bold the next time. Until someone smacks this with a brick it is going to escalate.
The good thing about all of these idiots is...they're idiots. They're spiking the football WAYYY too early and telegraphing their next pass (forgive the football analogy). It's 4th quarter time folks..dig in.
Unless American antifascists understand that they are on their own, betrayed by the establishment at every level, and act accordingly, they may want to get their passports renewed and look for housing in Mexico.
If I had to point at a single organization responsible for where we are, I'd probably point at FEDSOC but heritage def deserves to be in the conversation. Heinous ppl with heinous beliefs.
hey kevin, where's the host of the warroom?
Can’t wait to feed these clowns ground beef made out of their buddies.
Because of people like him, the American Revolution was not bloodless.
I bet this motherfucker never laid a hand on anyone himself. calling on his dumbass army of truculent young yahoos to do his wetwork
More especially after the Supreme Court basically said “all crime is legal so long as you are president”
The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society are the most evil entities in our country. Both need to be moved to another dimension. Any violence required was invited by them.
Unfortuntely, expect any help from the government in stopping their admitted treason. Our government doesn't care. Especially Biden and Garland.
Trumptards idea of bloodless?
Sounds a lot like he's expecting a civil war, doesn't it? Why would anyone say that if oppression wasn't top of their list of "things to do"?
Bad example, because J6 was not a thing according to the Supreme Court.
FED 1913 bankers ponzi scheme only accounted for another 200,000 world wide population growth for a 100 yr period. So form 1.18 billion than to 9 billion with an aging population and falling birth rate is not going to work in about another 10 years. It will be brutal.
Civil war means controlled demolition of USA, death, downsizing, and amish style living and neuro link slaves to the autocrats maintaining control of two sides =A Revolutions means most of us will be poor while a few medieval kingdoms control hazardous resources and attempt to rebuild by conquest.🤡
"don't fight back against our authoritarian dictatorship or else it's all your fault" is so cowardly it only makes me want to fight back harder. "Bloodless" my ass, you're gunning for my loved ones..