
the funniest thing about the "left" "incrementalism doesn't work" people is the republicans have been doing incrementalism for like 50 years and it's been staggeringly effective. like the evidence is literally right in front of you. your life is being fucked with by successful incrementalism
The same goes for the people who think the only way to advance their preferences is voting 3rd party. How far do you have to look to find an ideological movement taking over one of the two main political parties and reshaping it?
Or the leftist "accelerationists" the one who say if you let things get bad enough the normies will wake up, and side with them. An at best monstrous at worst, completely clownshoes plan.
And they never go one step further and oh wait, but then if WE get everything WE want, then the reactionaries in turn will "wake up" and promptly do a 180 right back into fascism (or some other autocracy) ...despite how often that actually, you know, happens.
goddamn, this needs to be blown up and widely disseminated. I think tho also sometimes, while sure there are people who reject the good because it isn't perfect, others get understandably cynical about liberals ASKING for increments, because you have to ask (demand) BIG to even GET the increments.
like, "Why We Can't Wait" wasn't MLK genuinely expecting that The Entire Dream be realized in full tomorrow; it was weary disgust with liberals saying welllll it might be a bit -much- to ask for a fraction of what was basically promised and partly realized nearly 100 years ago with Reconstruction
Step by step, bit by bit, and BAMN. Trump is POTUS.