
So why isn’t Biden doing anything with his new Imperial power? Will he pass the baton to Harris, and use the remainder of his term to make meaningful change?
the imperial presidency is fucking here, man. it’s here, it’s already done. who do we trust with it.
Everyone's asking what will happen if Trump gets this power. Wrong question. What is Biden *doing* with this power?
It's the law NOW, from the court of last resort; no further appeals. Debating the wisdom of the ruling is pointless self-indulgence. Use this power while we have it, because we may never have it again. We have 4 months.
They can slow-walk any litigation well beyond November, probably well past Biden’s sell-by date.
It would work as an electoral strategy. Biden can go wild. He’s got nothing to lose. And Harris can triangulate him, instead of wearing the jacket of his failed Presidency.