
It's amazing that some corporate leaders are willing to support Trump for tax cuts and deregulation while shrugging about what Trump's threats to wreck democracy and the rule of law would do to the business climate. 1/ New piece from me:
Trump’s Shameless, Corrupt Wooing of Plutocrats Is Suddenly A media narrative has somehow taken hold that CEOs are stampeding toward Trump. The full story isn’t nearly so simple.
WH chief of staff Jeff Zients tells me he and other admin officials are making an expansive case to CEOs that a good business climate depends on stability and the rule of law. He talked to me about the case he made to the Business Roundtable recently. 2/
Former American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault has been privately arguing to executives that stability and the rule of law matter. Notable: Chenault tells me some execs respond that they don't think 1/6 can happen again! Astonishing head-in-the-sand stuff. 3/
In recent days, a few billionaires endorsed Trump. Then he shocked the Business Roundtable with his incoherence. Jeffrey Sonenfeld said CEOs see Trump's economic plans as potentially disastrous. It now looks like the idea of a big shift is overstated. 4/
To put this plainly, at least some corporate leaders seem to be supporting Trump precisely because he's offering them a corrupt oligarchy in which they get a juicy cut of the spoils. Still, the bigger story here is that there is no stampede to Trump. 5/5
Capitalism requires democracy but capitalists love them some fascism.
Oh definitely. Greedy as they are, though, maybe not all are fully into the potentially messy outcomes involved with loot, pillage & burn