
fun thing about websites - they work perfectly in the EU. instant load times. it's not graphics slowing them down, it's adware tracking that's illegal in europe now.
My internet connection is technically a lot faster, but it craps out or slows down pretty often, and websites are so graphics and glut heavy that the extra speed just gets eaten up. My phone reception is pretty bad and I get broken up calls all the time. My printer sucks.
Browsing is so much better with something like Pihole or NextDNS. Especially on mobile! It sucks that being your own sysadmin or paying a service is the escape hatch for this bullshit.
I'll put a plug in for firewalla here as well. It makes setting up ad blocking very easy. It's not a cheap device, but it's a one time expense.
Very nice! Love to see a product that isn't also a secret Trojan horse for a subscription. Quality networking hardware isn't cheap and you get what you pay for.
You have to pay somewhere. They really do seem to put thought into their products. I used to do a lot of sysadmin work setting up firewalls and stuff. So I can really appreciate how much these devices do. I believe you can put a docker container on the FW to use other OS solutions in conjunction.
Love my firewalla. There are also DNS based ad block services available. But... you're sending all your DNS queries to some random 3rd party, so... Mixed feelings
I suppose at some level you have to trust someone. By and large they seem pretty transparent about things and are very customer focused. If they weren't making money on the device then I'd be more worried they were making money on me :).
Given the alternatives I looked at when I got it, the firewalla seemed to do a lot less on the cloud.
Yeah, that's basically my view. If the service is free, it's because you're the product. Currently, though, I'm worried that firewalla's business model isn't maintainable: you can't keep providing forever service for a one time charge.
We also have antique internet in a lot of places, for similar reasons to why certain parts of Manhattan had direct current mains until early in the 21st century But yes, the reason you listed is the real one
Did they?! How the fuck did anything work?!
Edison himself hired the best technicians and subjected them to emotional abuse until things worked, then filed patents on any of the resulting innovations he understood & began disinformation campaigns against any (eg. alternating current) he did not. See: Topsy the Elephant; electric chair
More seriously though, anything with a synchronous motor or a transformer didn’t work in that part of the city, but it was where all the early adopters of consumer electrical appliances lived for decades, so a lot of designs needed universal motors, which are still pretty common in power tools etc.
I think Cory Doctorow called that "surveillance lag".
Yeah, it's that gigabyte of Javascript doing a bunch of tracking bullshit
I have AdBlockPlus Premium on my laptop and desktop, and they run fine. I don't bother with internet on my phone or ipad, because of all the bugware.
trust me - they'd still load like 10x faster in EU. I use ABP as well but the difference when I'm in Italy is *stark*
Oh, I'm sure! I have a trip planned to Europe later this year and I plan on bringing my laptop, so I'll get to experience the joy firsthand! ABP will be like, "Nothing on this page to block!"
Please use ublock origin. It is free and works best out of all adblockers. Do not use more than one at a time.
I remember watching websites loading years ago on slow internet. The page would refuse to display anything until every ad had loaded first, even though the page without ads was done loading 10 seconds ago. Those things ruin everything.
Are there any majority-Anglophone communities left in the EU now that Brexit has removed Britain? I kinda want to move to Europe, but have never managed to stick with the task of learning any of the foreign languages I've tried long enough to become fluent in any of them...
Well there's Ireland
But honestly you'll have a much better time if you make an effort to learn the language of the community you're in. Plus it's good for the brain to keep learning.
yeah my problem is that I try to learn all the languages simultaneously, rather than any particular one of them in-depth...
Actually given the language families this can work surprisingly well.
yeah but I'd feel kinda like a colonizer moving there... maybe if I put the "h" back in my last name they'd forgive whichever ancestor of mine removed it to try to fit in better with the British?
I've lived in Sweden for 10 years and I still speak Swedish like a 4 year old.
Ireland. Oh, and Malta I guess?
Yes English is an official language in Malta.
does gibraltar have any kind of special arrangement with the EU ? though unsure how practically anglophone it is
Having been screwed over by Br*xit, it’s joined Schengen, so yes :)
Most scandinavian countries have a very high average english level (the dutch too) as long as you’re in a big city.
Don't worry about it. Lived in Germany and Belgium for many years with minimal German, French or Flemish. Travelled through Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Finland, Baltics, no problem at all. Though if you want official English speaking, then there's always Ireland.
Speaking to the "foreign language learning" component - the two things that have powered me through past the basics has been getting to *use* the language everyday (immersion, bay-beee!), and having something I'm already interested in that is prominent in the target language.
Seriously I found it a challenge to get someone to try my rubbish French & German on. At least in major cities, nearly everyone under 60 seems to speak pretty good English. And is happy to do it. You'd also learn the language by immersion I'm sure.
literally just experienced this during a trip to Ireland vs at home in NYC
it's wild how stark the difference is, isn't it?? I was blown away
Apart from the cursed Independent website, of course.