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The experiment requires that we continue.
My views and opinions do not necessarily reflect my views and opinions.

(He/Him) Sufficiently Indistinguishable.

'Donors pressure Presidential Candidate to withdraw' is not good news, regardless of what you think of Joe Biden.
Yes, taking pictures of astronomical events and fireworks are not usually going to yield interesting pictures, but people will avoid chatting with you while you're pointing your phone at the sky like Chicken Little, so it's not without some benefit.
You can always count on The Economist to boil down any issue into an indigestible bile.
Have I mentioned I'm not a fan of The Economist?
For the kids out there, some of us olds are going to be a little forlorn seeing Paul Reiser finally looking older than 35 in the new Beverly Hills Cop movie. He still looks damn good for almost 70, but he was the Paul Rudd of a generation (including Paul Rudd, unless my math is off).
How long is it going to be before cities are banning humans in these temperature controlled shade boxes for pets. PetParker's technology platform provides safe and reliable scalability
Congratulations to UK peeps. I'm sure the new PM is already a bit of shit as well, but I consider this result a general improvement overall and hope it is a sign of the world electoral momentum generally.
*fanfare* TRUE NAVY STORY- Once put in charge of translating for rescued Indonesian fishermen recovered from disabled boat in Indian Ocean, despite having no language training besides 2 semesters of Spanish, and a semester of Russian. They were hungry, thirsty, and tired. Figured that out myself.
Relatedly, it's not listed on the label list, but if you'd like to self-identify your country as a label, I can add that upon demand (self-label only). The quality of the country labels is very variable, just to warn ahead of time. Just a two letter code on some systems.
Are malay and indonesian related languages, or just geographically close to each other? I notice a lot of posters who use both in conversations.
There's a healthy amount of bravado before an election. Considering violence in France, just going to tap the sign that's always above my virtual door. Protest is good. Shouting is fine. If you hurt people, outside of immediate self-defense, that's never ok, and not in my name.
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth
Research has shown that you can only effectively hate 100 people, probably. I just made that up, but it sounds about right, don’t waste those slots on stupid shit.
Don't tell me about Fake Plastic Trees, Radiohead. You wanna see Fake Plastic Trees come around to my house on Christmas. Gravity wins? Damn right. I guess you already met my grandma.
Dusting off my 1995 Apollo Theater material tonight.
If an old man turns 98, wins the lottery, and dies the next day... holy shit, that's a lucky motherfucker. That's not ironic, that's my absolute dream life.
The conspiracies are not shady pizza joints and private jet only accessible islands. The conspiracies are real estate trusts, union busting, food deserts and tax break extortion.
I keep seeing these think pieces about how our desire for cheap food, cheap fashion, cheap energy is ruining the world, like most of us are not literally living 1 mo. ahead of economic ruin because billionaires conspire to suck every nickel out of the poor and middle class by controlling the economy
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth
I need to pack, but I hate packing. Quick, something distracting happen!
Jon Stewart legally changes his name to Joe Biden. Checkmate.
You are not responsible for the actions of your heroes, and consequently, you are also not responsible for defending those actions.
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth
"What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?" Big, huge, tremendous, absolutely amazing mistakes. Like nothing ever seen before, or again.
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth
Speaking of French territories in the Americas, a fact I particularly enjoy is that the only place France and The Netherlands share a border is on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin.
Saint Martin–Sint Maarten border -
And a bowl of water for Jesus to wash the hotdogs!
My fellow Americans: Don't forget to leave hotdogs on your porch for Jesus tonight 🇺🇲🎆🎇
Another quirk of nationality travel is a group of islands off the east coast of Canada that are French territories. No special migration thing, it's just interesting that there's a place off the American East Coast where you can spend Euros and speak French.
One overlooked 'American moving to Canada' solution is to move Canada adjacent, and you can spend every day there if you like, especially easy if you go through the slog of getting a Nexus pass. Not for everybody, but a lot easier for some than formally moving.
The email I tried to send to tell my team I would be turning on autoreply for my work emails got rejected because the mail server thought it looked like an autoreply. I mean, close. Very close. Ah well. They'll figure it out.
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth
Unfortunately, bsky doesn't yet have an official label designating that an account owner has passed. In the interim, is placing a 🤍RIP symbol when I learn of it. I think it's important to note. I'd appreciate if people would bring this to my attention when appropriate.
At least once a month I'll see some online spat and barely resist the urge to jump in the middle with a comment, and find out in a few hours, days, that I had been missing vital context. Saved once again by the simple guideline of don't defend anyone less they're family, or paying you to do it.
You don't have to agree a word is a slur to stop using it. You can stop using it simply to respect the concerns of people you care about. Maybe you're fine with 3 spritzes of Drakkar Noir every morning, but you should respect the sensibilities of the people around you.
Reposted byAvatar Patrixmyth