Jeff Martin

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Jeff Martin

Award-winning cartoonist. I've written/drawn 14 graphic novels and a handful of RPGs, and also paint a lot of plastic spacemen.

Read my webcomic Hell, Inc.

Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Brian McNaughton: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the throne of bones McNaughton: ok so get this what if there was a whole giant necropolis full of ghouls McNaughton: and also ghoul fuckers
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
The campaign's picked up a bit more funding since my previous post, but we're not quite at the stretch goal yet! There's still time to get in on this, but the clock is ticking with less than 30 hours to go
It's also only about $200 (Canadian) away from hitting the first stretch goal, unlocking a bonus 27-page digital comic previewing chapters 1&2 of the upcoming Rent-a-Thug graphic novel! I'm really excited about this one, so I hope I get a chance to share a sneak peek of it with you all
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Social media promo is on fire and sinking into the ocean, so I'm gonna do more to spread good word-of-mouth about awesome comics and shows I'm reading and watching.
The campaign's picked up a bit more funding since my previous post, but we're not quite at the stretch goal yet! There's still time to get in on this, but the clock is ticking with less than 30 hours to go
It's also only about $200 (Canadian) away from hitting the first stretch goal, unlocking a bonus 27-page digital comic previewing chapters 1&2 of the upcoming Rent-a-Thug graphic novel! I'm really excited about this one, so I hope I get a chance to share a sneak peek of it with you all
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Just thinking about two characters I truly loved painting. Sometimes you buy minis for an adventure, but sometimes a mini just pops out and you know you need to include that character in the next session. #dnd #ttrpg
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Folks, we've only got 3 days left and we're teetering right on the edge of our goal – which means we could still FAIL if anyone drops out! Pls RT and give BIG SHOULDERS a safe run across the finish line!!!
After this Kickstarter is over I am going to follow the example of Pineapple and Franny here and go touch some grass with a friend
Does anyone know how to get listed in that Art bluesky feed? I looked at the feed description and I couldn't see instructions for how to request to be added or tag my posts so they get picked up, or however that works
Only 30 hours left to back La Cosa Glasnostra, a one-shot action/crime comic now on Kickstarter! The project is already fully completed, with the Kickstarter meant to cover just the printing and shipping, so reward delivery will be quick! 36 pages, full-colour
Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra A one-shot action/crime comic about post-Soviet noir, deranged lovers, and splatterpunk violence.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Less than 36 hours left to back La Cosa Glasnostra! It's a 36 page full colour comic, and the first new Rent-A-Thug comic in 15 years! Red Ilsa turns a man into soup with a huge shotgun, and it's both rad and a comedy beat, which really encapsulates what this book is about.
Less than 36 hours left to back La Cosa Glasnostra! It's a 36 page full colour comic, and the first new Rent-A-Thug comic in 15 years! Red Ilsa turns a man into soup with a huge shotgun, and it's both rad and a comedy beat, which really encapsulates what this book is about.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Why would I blame workers when David Zaslav sucks and is in fact the cause of it all?
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
we are all calvin's dad
I am an engineer and have this same thought about the speed of work when drawings were done by hand and not on the computer and that was way less than 200 years ago.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
La Cosa Glasnostra, a Rent-a-Thug story, is in the part of the campaign where the time remaining is counted in hours instead of days and closing in on the first stretch goal! #indiecomics #comics #art
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Only about $200 shy of hitting that first stretch goal, with less than 3 days left to go! Rewards start at just $5 Canadian (which is "the change you found under your couch" American)
Once again I thank you for bearing with me while I shout about my Kickstarter, and will return to wrestling, hobby projects and pet photos once this is wrapped up
La Cosa Glasnostra, a Rent-a-Thug story, is in the part of the campaign where the time remaining is counted in hours instead of days and closing in on the first stretch goal! #indiecomics #comics #art
I promise after the Kickstarter is over I'll post more pet photos and hobby projects and stop yelling at you all to buy my books. At least for a while.
Only about $200 shy of hitting that first stretch goal, with less than 3 days left to go! Rewards start at just $5 Canadian (which is "the change you found under your couch" American)
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Rastovich thinks honesty is the best policy in this panel from La Cosa Glasnostra, my new comic! I think honesty is pretty good, but not as good as backing La Cosa Glasnostra on Kickstarter.
Less than 3 days now! The Kickstarter is counting by hours instead of days!
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
The KomDiv is a very smart man who is aware that Rastovich is the most wanted man in the Bloc, and is going to try to betray him anyway. The result is a comic with enough blood you could fill a pool with it.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
I've got a new comic on Kickstarter about ride-or-die lovers, splatterpunk violence, post-Soviet noir, and the gig economy resulting in Uber-but-for-crime.
Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra A one-shot action/crime comic about post-Soviet noir, deranged lovers, and splatterpunk violence.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
I've got lots more planned for my weird potato-shaped gang of ne'er-do-wells in the near future, and if this campaign gets just another $260CAD all backers are going to get a 27-page full-colour sneak preview of what's to come
Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra A one-shot action/crime comic about post-Soviet noir, deranged lovers, and splatterpunk violence.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
Rent-A-Thug began in 2005 as a comic strip in the University of Alberta newspaper, The Gateway. It ran until 2010, with hundreds of strips and pages of blood-soaked mayhem. Now, nearly 20 years later, it returns with La Cosa Glasnostra! Only 71hrs left to back it!
Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra A one-shot action/crime comic about post-Soviet noir, deranged lovers, and splatterpunk violence.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff Martin
In one month, we launch! ID-10t error Issue 3, the last issue, comes to Kickstarter on Aug 6! Help us get to 100 prelaunch followers by signing up. Link in the reply!
Quote post with your sci fi art! This is a page from the Hockeypocalypse: Slashers graphic novel.
Quote post with your space art! This is from my comics, low stakes, slice of life sci fi. You can read the whle thing here and it's a stand alone story, free download here: