
I remember talking to someone on the bird site, maybe , about this last year. The reasons we opted for a PHEV are the reasons we got an SUV in the first place: to tow our camper into the mountains in summer, and to go skiing in winter.
the irony here is "the kinds of things people buy trucks for" are different from "the kinds of things people actually use trucks for". Anyhow I have never had an ounce of regret with mine.
Yeah they somehow managed to interview both those types: the latter guy, who was just annoyed about bad winter mileage while driving his kids to hockey in Michigan, and the former guy, who evidently tows trailers 50,000 miles a year??
To the hockey guy I'd say, who cares? Even at 1/2 mileage, you're paying 18¢/mile, vs at least like 22¢/mile for a gas pickup. And then you crush the gas option in stop-go driving and outside of winter. To the construction guy, I'd say delegate more to your managers. 300mi/day is nuts.
yes that's insane! that's 5 hours a day of *driving*?!?! who is doing that.
That rocks. It seems like at least this reporter found some pretty poorly informed buyers to exemplify buyers' remorse.