
I'm in a hotel and the Daytime Emmys happen to be on and this broadcast has a budget of $144 and not one penny more.
Also, these actors do not age. And the same characters from when I watched soaps are STILL on the show. Carly and Jason? STILL THERE. Fiona Hughes? STILL THERE. Victor Newman? YUP!
It’s like tenure for actors
TRULY. I am agog. But also happy that they get to do work they clearly love, in perpetuity.
It is one of the vanishingly few Hollywood arenas where if you start being hot in your twenties, they will still treat you as hot in your sixties. It’s pretty cool in that regard.
I was just yesterday how much I miss miss my soaps, I watched guiding light and as the world turns all through high School, in college and beyond and I miss those people, the first parasocial relationships I had I guess. Whatever happened to the Spalding family??