Roxane Gay

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Roxane Gay

Writer, editor, publisher, professor. Some people call me a bad feminist and by some people I mean me.
Reposted byAvatar Roxane Gay
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
The speed with which they take down all the rainbow accessories lol. Calm down there, Brian
Reposted byAvatar Roxane Gay
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
I guess the British won after all.
OMG this thrills me. Welcome to the Wharton Hive. Just want to thank you for talking up "The Age of Innocence", a book I absolutely would not have read if not for you. Finished it a few hours ago and I am still gutted.
I am fascinated by how little some people understand elite college admissions. A 97.3% GPA simply isn’t good enough. That’s frustrating to hear but it is reality. The students at these schools are exceptional. When I taught at Yale it blew my mind.
One thing I really miss on social media is being able to scroll chronologically. I don’t care about 23 hours or 5 days ago.
I have said all along that I think Biden will win in November; I know he is the only choice to preserve this disgrace of a democracy. And still, this is terrible. It is shameful. That this is the best we have on both sides? The moderators refuse to moderate. It’s fucking ridiculous.
I do not understand how the Democrats let this happen. It’s fucking shameful. And the Republicans are even worse.
Holy hell. Did Trump just say tell them Brandon?
This debate is such a waste of time. If anything it just discourages people from Voting.
However many hours before you’re flight you head to JFK is how many hours it will take to fucking get there. An infernal situation.
I hope Janet Jackson is having a wonderful day.
The number of rules for visiting a Black salon these days is ridiculous. A literal page of guidelines.
Just deleted 71 alarms on my phone.
I am so tired of people telling me I am intimidating. I am not. I have stuffed animals. I make up songs about my dog. I decorate cakes. I am super quiet. You just see a tall, large Black woman and get scared. Deal with that.
Flight attendant is reading Hunger so we're having a little book club sesh at 37,000 feet.
Whew, when a singer's husband starts talking on a song, I fast forward so fast.
So, the EU election results… is this rightward swing about immigration primarily?
A lot of ugly Pride graphics this year. Are the design gayz on strike?
Guys. I used to come to Minneapolis a lot in my 20s and 30s. There was this gay bar called the Gay 90s that we would go to. Would you believe it’s STILL open??
I'm in a hotel and the Daytime Emmys happen to be on and this broadcast has a budget of $144 and not one penny more.
I have added a new nemesis to the rotation.
If the Democrats choose not to exploit this to win the election in November they don’t deserve to run anything.
The felon is low energy and haggard