Jen Coleslaw

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Jen Coleslaw

SideCar &Two Chocolate Cakes Podcast. Maker & Bringer of food. Enviro. Animal Hospital side hustle.
It's Laddie Marmalade, he's fuckin done with this week already.
Friends. I took this picture almost 2 years ago, as my bestie & was opening his dream animal hospital. We were up there on a hot day unboxing and filling chlorhex bottles. I took this over exposed pic of him and always loved it. I didn't realise it was prophetic. He died unexpectedly Wed. night.
This is beautiful, isn't it?
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Blueberry is so sick of all this shit.
Yes it is a very Monday Monday. Big Sugar says if you need to make it a Wednesday, that's fine with him.
Blueberry going into the weekend like a surly teenager.
It has been such a long week already and I'd like nothing more than to stay in bed all day and wait for it to rain but there's a farmers market to go to, and I would hate for it to disappear if everyone just stayed in bed in the mornings. And so Blueberry talked me into going.
Do not forget Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Any time after midnight 6/1 First thing you say, or whisper or shout. Before coffee, tea, cupcakes, donuts, eye drops, cigarettes, Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit for good luck all month.
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Hi friends, I posted up a new podcast episode for your listening pleasure.Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: SideCar: Firefly Time You can find it on all your favorite podcast apps! Please follow & share & rate! This might be my only job soon. 😬
SideCar: Firefly Time by SideCar Podcast, with Jen Whew. A long episode! Some new mom issues to deal with so that always takes time! Will I still have a job the next time you hear from me? WHO KNOWS! Also I keep losing track of what episode number ...
Reposted byAvatar Jen Coleslaw
CHOMPS elysees was right there
Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
Oh hey, it's #caturday Here's Blueberry 🫐
Hi friends, I posted up a new podcast episode for your listening pleasure.Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: SideCar: Firefly Time You can find it on all your favorite podcast apps! Please follow & share & rate! This might be my only job soon. 😬
SideCar: Firefly Time by SideCar Podcast, with Jen Whew. A long episode! Some new mom issues to deal with so that always takes time! Will I still have a job the next time you hear from me? WHO KNOWS! Also I keep losing track of what episode number ...
Have you seen Rufus lately?
We forgot to put the stairs in.
Still raising money for this. I know there is a lot of donor fatigue and a lot of asks out there. I'd be happy just to get to 1k . It's been a hard 5 months already for so many of us so I understand the slowness of this fundraiser.
hi, what's new? it is kind of hot here so I stayed inside with my big headache and wrote out a short podcast for you to get you through the rest of the week. I hope you like it. It is the usual nonsense. This is the new label for my jams & consumables & such.
So we bought all these bags of soil to top off my stock tanks that I use for gardening because the soil here is terrible and someone tore them open overnight. I dunt think it was the dogs because their feet aren't dirty. Waffles is on the case, though.
Reposted byAvatar Jen Coleslaw
Wild that they didn’t want to call the national guard on the tiki torch Charlottesville types who were yelling Jews will not replace us.
Hey all. Have you seen Rufus lately?
Look what I got at the farmers market this weekend!