
If you love fireflies and live where they do, there are a few things you can do to help them. Don't use pesticides in your yard, leave some long grass (edges, a patch), and leave some leaves in the fall. This will help them, all the other bugs in your yard, and the birds that rely on them for food.
Oh, and keep your lights off or dim at night. The flashing of fireflies is all about these fancy beetles looking for love. They need to find each other!
I do miss fireflies (from a yes-I've-been-west-of-the-Rockies-for-decades perspective).
Cool, thanks! I know they're all up and down Western Washington and NorCal, but they don't glow. You don't get bioluminescent ones in California until... San Diego, I think? SoCal, at any rate.
Went my entire life never seeing one until last summer realizing we have them in our yard (Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦 ). They are really amazing!
I haven't seen any lit up this year, but recognized one hanging out yesterday morning on a window. I showed my wife and told her how my grandma gave me a dead one when I was a kid, and that's how I knew. She also learned Grandma gave me a bat that got caught in the cottage chimney and dehydrated.
I miss them so much. Growing up in the south, I saw that they were everywhere in the early summer. So many.
I use boiling water to keep the poison ivy at bay. Everything else gets to run wild. Looking forward to the show.
We do all of those things and this year (a week or so ago) were rewarded with more fireflies than we’ve had in many years! CELEBRATION! 🎉
That’s awesome! Love to hear it!
It was SO fun walking the property and watching them!
I feel like this is generally good advice. I live where there are no fireflies, alas, but I'm trying to cultuvate native bugs & slender salamanders, so when I prune or weed, I arrange the results on the ground unless they're badly diseased.
I'm glad these beautiful lil guys benefit from my unkempt lawn
I've been doing all this and the fireflies are around early this year. I usually don't see them until July.