
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
i just think we’re so focused on getting over the line. losing the thread a bit?
of course, rights, climate, etc. but specifically. where’s the dynamic offense? this is what we’re missing with the past week’s nightmare but even before then.
larger and permanent expanded ctc, industrial policy, post office banking, possibly Medicare for all, equality act, abortion enshrined in law, second round of new green energy $$, some immigration reform mix of good and bad, e-bike tax credit. Student debt, generous first time home buyer program
Let's not forget democrats winning means the FTC, DOJ, and NLRB don't get totally fucked and can continue their various regulatory fights on antitrust and labor, where the Biden admin has arguably been the strongest
I want the FTC to just go ham on shit like phone scamming, MLMs, the shitty little fees in air travel, ending this “oh I won’t pay a full 70% out of network on what your provider charges”
I think air travel fees would be Department of Transportation, and iirc there's already been some significant attempted rulemaking there!