
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
i just think we’re so focused on getting over the line. losing the thread a bit?
of course, rights, climate, etc. but specifically. where’s the dynamic offense? this is what we’re missing with the past week’s nightmare but even before then.
Court reform. Once you get court reform you get everything. This *gestures broadly* is what America looks like with fifty years of a right wing Supreme Court majority
larger and permanent expanded ctc, industrial policy, post office banking, possibly Medicare for all, equality act, abortion enshrined in law, second round of new green energy $$, some immigration reform mix of good and bad, e-bike tax credit. Student debt, generous first time home buyer program
Let's not forget democrats winning means the FTC, DOJ, and NLRB don't get totally fucked and can continue their various regulatory fights on antitrust and labor, where the Biden admin has arguably been the strongest
If we’re talking wishlist I’d also like to see a couple of new agencies spun up and headquartered in like north dakota or Montana as a medium term strategy to flipping them
Department of Internet access has a nice ring to it
I really would like a full FLRA (with a 2-1 Democratic majority) with a general counsel
No GC for two consecutive administrations. One by design, one by neglect.
I want the FTC to just go ham on shit like phone scamming, MLMs, the shitty little fees in air travel, ending this “oh I won’t pay a full 70% out of network on what your provider charges”
I think air travel fees would be Department of Transportation, and iirc there's already been some significant attempted rulemaking there!
honest to god I'd really expect major SSDI reform if there's a second term w/ both House+Senate D
in terms of what I am referring to, I am primarily meaning in terms of the asset cap that exists (for people who aren't aware of it)
Oh yeah and ending disability means testing is a big thing at various state levels
Increase to snap too and just streamlining both processes. Theres so much shit paperwork that just removing that friction might as well be a new program Also automated tax filing
so uhh I think our next move on healthcare policy should be Universal Medicaid for children and pregnant folks
Elect presidents by popular vote. Abolish the Senate. (At the *very* least, abolish the filibuster & make DC and PR states and force N & S Dakota to recombine). Abolish the electoral college. Institute automatic universal voter registration. That would be a good start.
End that act that keeps the house at 435. I’d double the House at least
You are so right in this. We need to paint a picture of the better world we could have.
i’m concerned that the last week has made this harder to do. frustrating.
The fight against fascism has been so grim. It's necessary, but we need to show people that a better world is possible.
That's the trouble with the Democratic Party, isn't it? Naomi Klein wrote The Shock Doctrine in 2007, and in all this time, I don't think a single Democratic official has read it. Heaven forbid the people we're counting on to save us from fascism should ever be prepared for a foreseeable situation.
IRA 2. Medicaid for all paid at Medicare levels to providers. Enthusiastically going after MLMs and the little scams ruining American life. Expanding the house, passing the ERA, convicting the Jan 6 folx, free pre-k and school lunches
And a hugely progressive income tax starting at 90% for any income over $1 million. Ban private planes, tax cars based on engine size, phase out SUVs and large EVs. $ for public transit...
It's been presented but it scared the people referred to as moderates (or centrists or corporate Dems).
Judicial reform. Some kind of medical insurance reform (Medicare for all or at least everyone over 55). Washington statehood, and PR if they want it. Bring back the child tax credit.