Jen Mercieca

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Jen Mercieca

Explaining anti-democratic rhetorical tricks. Award winning #teamrhetoric professor & author. Read my column @ResoluteSquare. Fascism is for losers.
Fascists are conmen, don't be a sucker!
This sharply relevant historical gem really can’t be re-watched or shared enough times. Hat tip to for the reminder:
Don't Be A Sucker (1947) U.S. War Department Film 19574
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Watch me try to explain modern propaganda and influence in three minutes on live TV — Morning Joe!
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BALL OF THREAD NEWS The first member Q&A with is now up. Find out why she won't be joining Threads and why she thinks is right about the need to weirdify fascism.
Ball of Thread -- Member Q&A #1 | Ball of Get more from Ball of Thread on Patreon
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It is! Let’s talk.
Many people I know say writing the second book is by far the hardest. Damn it.
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"Public officials increasingly describe threats and harassment as a routine part of their jobs. Often masked by online anonymity and propelled by extreme political views, the barrage of menace has changed how public officials do their work, terrified their families and driven some from public life"
‘We’ll See You at Your House:’ How Fear and Menace Are Transforming Public officials from Congress to City Hall are now regularly subjected to threats of violence. It’s changing how they do their jobs.
who has read a good write-up of the "women trust bears more than men" thing? links plz
It's all just so f*cking absurd. lol/cry 4evR
Does anyone know how to get online access to Il Popolo D'Italia? I've been searching for two days and I can't find it. Seems like it should be out there somewhere? I see a link where it's supposed to be (and lots of places point there), but it doesn't work.
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Today in thoughts no one asked for: a lot of the tradwives’ bread really looks like shit!
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Twitter Files blogger Paul Thacker is back in my 📥, wanting to speak to the manager. Here are bits from the latest bad faith inquiry from the bullshit industrial complex, shared to show how it works. He claims to have “whistleblower” docs showing I secretly run election ops for DoD This is a lie.
I wrote up a couple of things related to protest and debate and "cognitively responsible" leaders and government. First, this short piece (as part of a kick ass forum) on why protest is good citizenship and builds trust in Zocalo (an ideas journalism hub):
How Do We Disagree in the Public Square? | Up For Those Who Study and Work to Keep Civil Discourse Civil Share the ‘Secret Sauce’ for Productive Debate
When authorities decide that they don't like the content of a protest and shut down the protests, then more people will protest over the right of those protesters to protest. When they think they've buried the protest, they've actually planted seeds for more protests.
twitter broke in the middle of Trump's gag order violation hearing 🫣
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Lordy, it's worse than I thought. Another strain of leftist thought that comes to the same place as some of the liberals and centrists they're apt to criticise.
Jacobin published another cope piece because they can't live with themselves for letting the liberal winemoms scoop them on fascism in America
just wrote a rational-democratic defense of your right to protest (felt good)
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Radical Reports Monthly Hangout on Zoom ― With Special Guest: The discussion will focus the far right’s fascist rhetoric, the language of politic violence, and how former president Donald Trump uses the demagogue’s playbook.
Radical Reports Monthly Hangout on Zoom ― With Special Guest: Dr. Jennifer This month, the Radical Reports monthly hangout on Zoom will include special guest: Dr. Jennifer Mercieca (Exclusively for Paid Subscribers).
feeling cute, might delete later
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Just sent email to paid subscribers of to register for this month’s hangout on Zoom with special guest Become a paid subscriber, and join the conversation about the far right’s fascist rhetoric and how Donald Trump uses the demagogue’s playbook.
So the plan is to get a bunch of folks together and go to Ren Fest with everyone dressed up as one of the characters from Princess Bride.
Sometimes I think about how Neo chose the red pill, but folks today say "I got red pilled" like they didn't have any agency or choice and were acted upon.
A student said they were having trouble understanding the reading so they watched some YouTubes about it. 😮