Jenn Frank

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Jenn Frank

former Twitter user ✨
Reposted byAvatar Jenn Frank
Great retrospective. One thing that gets a little lost, I think, is that this movie was, at the time, a technological marvel—that seeing Tom Hanks inserted into famous newsreel footage was supposed to be as ~wondrous~ as seeing the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park for the first time 🥲
my cat woke me this morning by yanking individual strands of hair out of my head
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I said "he is both craggy and hairy" and that he "can look haunted," but "don't let him do any accent work"
Chatting with about who would be the best Fisherman and I think she's knocked it out of the park with Clive Owen
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oh shit it’s me talking about Hackers (1995) with
my husband is about to wake up to 500 tiktoks 😈
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extremely cute to see both of these games get posted at the same time:
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this weekend marks the one-year anniversary of my original twitter account going out in a blaze of glory
My mom was also a member of the Silent Generation: “heavens to Betsy!”
My mom used to say "Jeez Louise!" and that's one I think we should swipe from the Silent Generation and start using again everywhere.
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Reposted byAvatar Jenn Frank
Last night I made an incredible friend who I hope texts me back. At one point I asked her if she were calling me old (joking!), and she looked absolutely panicked and then murmured “I don’t want to mess this up.” Reader, I HOWLED. EASILY the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me 💀
My 79-year-old neighbor and I are gonna kick back with Alfred Hitchcock today 😇
My nieces want to know why the Easter Bunny didn’t attend the egg hunt today 😤
Adam Levine was at the bar yesterday, for hours. He was with a group of friends and got all their drinks. I can’t stop thinking about it
my Spotify just abruptly switched from playing classical music to Mario Kart
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"study after study has shown that the concussed brain requires active rehabilitation—activities like exercise, reading, and screens—to heal."
I Got a Concussion. I Didn’t Get Better. It Turned Out Even My Doctors Had Bought Into a Powerful I'm far from alone.
logging into goodreads for the first time in 10+ years… wow, I really entered all my favorite cookbooks and then gave my independent study adviser’s novel a 3
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I'm not for making a big statement because there's no point arguing with these people but if twitter is just going to be all conspiracy racist misogynist dog whistles all the way down, staying there for promo and reach doesn't even make sense - the people who remain won't want my games anyway.
"I've never had therapy" is "I don't even own a tv" for boomers
it’s the same g*merg*te, same formula, new packaging
This is good btw (even though I'm biased because of the author). It shows how tough moderating this type of group is, especially with how a lot of their internal conversations are about not breaking ToS.
I did a hip youth pastor joke at the Apple Store and the kid assisting me was so confused. We stared at each other and finally I was like “are you not familiar with this joke format” and the kid was like “no, and it’s a weird thing to say,” and I was like “wow our senses of humor are so different”
Last week I turned on my overhead lamp and now it’s somehow on a timer and blasts me awake every morning like a ghost mom coming in to tell me I’m gonna be late for school
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I have also written on this subject: gazongas are not the enemy (and, meanwhile, a set of tinies shouldn’t be shorthand for “smart character”), and the fact that they’re a cultural battleground is absolutely exhausting for people with gazongas
i wrote a column back in 2020 about how boobs aren’t right-wing, if that’s of relevance for some reason right now
Boob Guys Are Not the An insidious genre of post has gripped the internet, threatening to forever spoil the mere sight of boobs by politicizing them
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I actually logged in just to say that I anonymously analyzed 2 people's "color seasons" in the TikTok comments (by request, not unsolicited) and I am feeling pretty great about it lol
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One I told my 14-year-old "it's giving bedtime" and they didn't speak to me for the rest of the night
I used the word “mid” (correctly) yesterday & my kid yelled at me for being old & using slang. Thank GOD they do not follow me on here.