Jenn Wong

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Jenn Wong

The shining city on the hill...was Carthage.
Anne de Bretagne, botanical mss, dress history, hand embroidery, native plants, and dogs. Lots of dogs.
Recreating ca.1600 jacket V&A 173-1869 in silk on linen with 16-17thC methods & materials
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One thing I can say about the last 10 days: It has 100% affirmed that the Run for Something mission to recruit, train, & support next generation leaders at every level - in part to end the gerontocracy - is urgent & important - & I’m really grateful to all who make it possible.
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I feel like we don’t talk enough about how Steven Miller in 2015-6 would scour white nationalist websites for “good” stories and talking points and then feed them to Steve Bannon for him to run in slightly watered down form in Breitbart.
his emphasis is that biden’s presidency was itself the greatest hoax in US history and that its chief authors - obama, schumer, pelosi, jeffries, harris - are historic criminals. sounds like he knows which show trials he would recommend during a second trump presidency.
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Más de 10,000 nuevos ciudadanos se juramentan durante los festejos del Día de la Independencia 🇺🇸
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Noted in this roundup: Trump personal aide and co-defendant in documents case Walt Nauta fails to get charges against him dismissed. Judge Aileen Cannon found "no evidence" to support claim that government had subjected Nauta to vindictive prosecution.
Pressure Grows for Biden To Step Plus: Labour trounces Conservatives in U.K. elections.
#WIP Mon Jul 8: Filling in leaves A wider shot of the sleeve I am working on, the last panel in my recreation of a circa 1590's-1610 embroidered jacket in the V&A museum in London, no.173-1869 #16thC #17thC #EarlyModern hand #embroidery, polychrome silk on linen #arthistory #fashionhistory
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The wonderful is running a Kickstarter to keep funding the fabulous work they do, which includes publishing art, fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Consider supporting them if you can!
Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Funding to support Year 11 of Hugo Award winning Uncanny Magazine. We have more stories to tell together!
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Yes, I am absolutely choosing my threads by which ones are nearly used up so I can use the empties for my marble pickup self-torment
Posted by this morning: "Since the American media is too busy with The Frenzy to cover the explosive legal filings in the Epstein/Trump case except on page A43, the UK press steps in: "
If you haven't been aware of Ed Davey's UK campaign, please check it out, as a treat. He is 100% delightful AND his party has had their best result ever
Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey’s madcap election campaign ended in success in the UK's vote last night. From paddle boarding to bungee jumping, here's a look back at his pre-election adventures that captured everyone’s attention 👇
Ed Davey’s 19 top campaign stunts — as Lib Dems win From paddle boarding to bungee jumping, the Lib Dem leader’s daring antics raised eyebrows and caught public attention.
Celebrating the Fourth in the traditional way, munching fried chicken & watching the UK election results roll in 😉
#WIP Thu Jul 4: Coronet of Pearls #EarlyModern silkwork #embroidery Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day, everyone
Stay focused on electing Democrats. Dem for President, Dems for Congress, Dems for Senate, Dems in every race in which they run, all the way down. The other side are doing everything they can to distract us, to discourage us, to sap our strength. It will get worse. Block it out. We can do this.
“Still, the sources add, they do generally feel more confident in their legal theories than in the past, ever since Trump stacked the judiciary with right-wing jurists.” Latest from and me:
Right-Wingers Plan to Make it Difficult for Democrats to Replace If Democrats want to choose a new nominee, experts don’t believe the Heritage Foundation can stop them — but that may not be the point.
Look at this gorgeous thing
A poundcake I made in 2016 for a July 4th party. I made a lavender glaze to stick the all edible flowers on it. New Yorkers: you can find the flowers at a vendor at Union Square green market on Saturdays.
*One* meeting.
Hunter Biden "was in the room" for one meeting with his father's aides at the White House following the return from Camp David, confirms the White House press secretary.
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The easiest way to lose a constitutional crisis is by not challenging the power, decisions, and aims of the faction actively causing the crisis.
I'm ready for all the Bruce content you can spare, It has been A Day
Red eggplant!
So happy to be home after my trip...and I found Turkish Eggplants at the farmer's market this am. Going to make an eggplant stew YUM. Aren't they gorgeous?
#WIP Sun Jun 30: Rosebuds, saffron crocus, and leaves #EarlyModern hand #embroidery Recreating V&A 173-1869 in polychrome silk on linen #16thC #17thC #ArtHistory
For the "picking up marbles with your toes" exercise, I don't have any glass balls - but there is something else I have a lot of!
Also worthy of attention
It’s quiet but it’s no accident- Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has launched a clean electricity boom. We’re now going to have double the amount of clean power and emissions reductions we otherwise would have had by 2030. Let’s keep going & do more. Track the progress:
Investing In America | The White For decades, the U.S. exported jobs and imported products, while other countries surpassed us in critical sectors like infrastructure, clean energy, semiconductors, and biotechnology. Thanks to Presid...