Jenny Splitter

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Jenny Splitter

Award-winning Climate & Food Systems Journalist Editor-in-Chief of Sentient
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Hey, happy Friday, the way we produce & consume food has a huge bearing on biodiversity loss, climate change, water use & pollution, and terrestrial & marine ecosystem degradation, the good news is big changes to food production and consumption could make huge improvements across all of those areas!
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Really nice nuanced and in-depth article about our recent report on “better” meat and key takeaways for people, animals, nature, and the climate. 🧪🐮 h/t
Does ‘Less Meat, Better Meat’ Actually Solve Beef’s Climate Problem? Research suggests grass-fed meat has a higher carbon footprint.
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But one researcher’s bad practices shouldn’t be an indictment of the field. I think your linked article is fair that nudges are part of the solution but far from the whole solution. Btw we just published a major update to our playbook for promoting sustainable, low-carbon choices in food service:
The Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food This research builds off WRI’s first guide for food service released in 2020. It’s now informed by nearly 350 academic trials and a close collaboration with a range of food businesses through Coolfood...
Question for folks who study nudges for food. I've more or less skimmed criticisms of nudge theory but haven't really looked to see if there are specific criticisms of nudges in food settings (maybe Jacob Peacock at Rethink Priorities). Anything good out there?
Nudge theory: what 15 years of research tells us about its promises and The idea of gently tweaking our behaviour still makes political sense.
A report from WRI suggests the climate strategy of eating ‘less meat, but better meat’ presents some conflicting tradeoffs. What’s “better” for animals tends to be higher in emissions. We explain more here:
Does ‘Less Meat, Better Meat’ Actually Solve Beef’s Climate Problem? Research suggests grass-fed meat has a higher carbon footprint.
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Wolves are deeply embedded in folklore & tradition, often symbolizing strength and guidance They are revered in many Indigenous communities as well A new book, “Echo Loba, Loba Echo: Of Wisdom, Wolves, and Women” dives into the relationship between humans & wolves & our CEO interviews the author:
Wolves through the ages: A journey of coexistence, conflict, and Wolves, with their widespread distribution from North America to Eurasia, are ecologically vital as keystone species, playing a critical role in maintaining the health and balance of ecosystems by reg...
It’s incredibly expensive to move farm animals during a flood or wildfire, especially tens of thousands of them. But as climate disasters increase, shouldn’t factory farms have to put some sort of plan in place?
Farmers Are Leaving Animals to Die During Natural Disasters — and Getting Paid for Millions of animals die in floods and wildfires each year. Should factory farms be required to have a relocation plan?
An observation: I could never write "The animals can't speak for themselves" for Sentient Media because we're still proving ourselves as a media outlet. It is what it is. I'm so proud of how much we've grown in 2023 — traffic, republication, engagement — with a very, very small team. More to come.
“winter peonies” OK I’m here for it
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omg! joins Drilled! And her first story is EXTREMELY WILD - on a bonkers new campaign from the dairy industry ---->>>
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If you've ever: read a TON story, shared a TON story, shared something you learned from TON, taken a class or workshop, made a connection through our Science Writers Database, studied our Pitch Database ... perhaps you'll consider us? #GivingTuesday
Support The Open Notebook - Support Science If you support our mission to help science journalists improve their skills, please consider making a tax-deductible one-time donation or recurring gift to help sustain our work.
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Yes!!! Relatedly: 1) More solar and wind, if paired with fewer biofuels, will mean more energy produced overall with less land. 2) Even though soy is associated with deforestation, eating more soy and less meat (that is fed soy) would *reduce* growth in soy demand and associated deforestation.
I wish we would see more headlines amplifying this message. "The green transition will mean [30%] less mining, not more." "The renewable path does more than deliver a safer future climate. It creates a significantly better future."
What an Emerging Narrative About Renewables Gets The green transition will mean less mining, not more.
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Reposted byAvatar Jenny Splitter
2 days ago it was announced Biden would be skipping out on COP28 when he's attended the other 2 during his POTUS term. Because of scorching backlash, VP Harris is now going to COP28 when there were no initial plans for her to go when news of Biden skipping came out.
POTUS is skipping out on COP28 when he's been to the last 2. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact the US is producing more crude oil under Biden (13.2K barrels/day) than under Trump (13.1K barrels/day) and he doesn't want to have to explain that to the world?
Vice President Harris will attend COP28 climate conference in Vice President Kamala Harris will join the United States delegation at the upcoming United Nations conference on climate change in Dubai.
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African forest elephants play a vital role in shaping the Congo's rich rainforests 🌎 Yet the full ecological value of this charismatic & endangered species is still poorly understood, as podcast host discusses w/ researchers linked with Harvard & WCS, listen here:
Forest elephants are the ‘glue’ holding Congo rainforests together, experts The African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) makes the Congo Basin rainforest what it is today. As a key seed disperser, its dietary habits help construct the giant carbon-sequestering tree commun...
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This month marks my 10th anniversary as a WaPo columnist, and to celebrate I wrote about 10 things I'd love to be able to convince you of. Featuring GMOs, organic ag, tilapia, diet soda, farm subsidies, and, of course, carbohydrates.
Perspective | 10 truths about food that people don’t want to Gene editing isn’t always bad, plus nine other things about food and nutrition that often meet with public disagreement.
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FYI, tossing your pumpkins into the woods isn’t a good alternative, say wildlife and environmental experts. Disposing of pumpkins in nature actually does more harm than good. Here’s why along with better suggestions to do away with your Halloween pumpkins. 👇
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If you, like me, are new here, and looking for the food & science folks you enjoyed on twitter, here's a thread with some of them:
Two very different bills tackling school milk are now making their way through Congress: one would guarantee student access to dairy alternatives while the other would reverse a ban on whole cow's milk. Read Grace Hussain's reporting;
Two Bills Ignite Congressional Battle Over School Milk Young activists are fighting back against policies to serve only cow's milk in public schools when only a fraction of the population can digest it.