Richard Waite

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Richard Waite

Director, Agriculture Initiatives, World Resources Institute. Interested in sustainably feeding 10 billion people by 2050. Likes food, agriculture, nature, numbers, climate targets & solutions. DC-based.
more like antisocial media amirite
I’m having trouble with question 3
Depending on who you are, trust in the media began to erode with either the introduction or discontinuation of Taco Bell Fajita Fast Facts in local newspapers
Whoa, 70s pop tarts
Betty Crocker French Toastwiches (1973-1974): An early twist on the "convenient toaster meal" category, these toastable pockets of French toast were filled with sausage and maple syrup
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It's common to think flooding is just a coastal issue. It's not
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“Human bodies tend to use sleep time to lower temperatures and recover from a brutally hot day; if temperatures don’t drop enough, people sleeping without air conditioning — or, say, people in major cities that didn’t get their power back for a week after a storm — don’t get that chance”
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
In the US, a pound of grass-fed beef has higher GHG emissions vs conventional beef. In grass-finished systems, cattle grow at a slower pace vs conventional systems where they are fattened on grain near the end of their lives in feedlots. This leads to more methane & more land use per pound of beef.
Is There Such a Thing As 'Better' Meat? It’s New research finds meat production methods which are better for animals aren't always better for the planet, and vice-versa. How can we balance the trade-offs?
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Roses are red Violets are blue It was 104 degrees in DC today Which is entirely too Hot outside
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head.
I’m actually still very angry about this and I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with it, but absolutely none of my coping strategies will include bullying white marginalized people because I’m actually interested in progress
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
40 degrees Celsius in DC today 🥵
Has reached 104 according to NWS. Ties a record, third of those in a row (last two broke). #dcwx
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Up to 103 in DC at 3p. Hottest day since July 2012. #dcwx #dmvwx
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Looking down on Bluefield, WV
seems bad
101 at 1pm in DC. Third day in a row 101-plus. Only previously done in 1930. #dcwx
You: is this fungible My brain: can this be mushroomed You: but is it at least tangible My brain: is this, at the very least, bright orange and refreshing
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Timeline cleanse! The prettiest sunrise I can find on my camera roll
Timeline cleanse! The prettiest sunrise I could find in my camera roll
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
The anti-Blackness on this site is omnipresent and uncontrolled, and it keeps getting worse. And every time it gets pointed out, white people keep deflecting to another marginalization they experience. But Black people still aren’t safe just being Black here. That’s that on that.
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Reposted byAvatar Richard Waite
Remember: agriculture and climate are a two-way street. Agriculture and land-use patterns affect the climate, and agriculture is very vulnerable to a changing climate. Food and agriculture are part of the climate problem and an important part of the solution(s).
Whoa. I did know that the US record high temps in the 1930s were extreme outliers with a lot of the rest of the globe at the time (vs. now, when we are seeing record highs everywhere). I did not know about the Dust Bowl/agriculture connection to those 1930s US record high temps.
Sure, lots of U.S. stations set all-time extreme heat records in the 1930s. But the globe was nowhere near record-hot. Bob Henson provides great context on the records, which were due to a combination of natural variability and poor farming practices.
Why were the 1930s so hot in North America? » Yale Climate Climate skeptics sometimes point to heat records from that decade to dismiss the reality of global warming. They're leaving out crucial context.
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The easiest way to preserve peppers - wash, slice, freeze on a tray, bag, then shove in the deep freezer to have delicious peppers pre-sliced when winter arrives 🌱
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Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 1
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Sunset posting will continue until morale improves. (I’m helping.)
Sunset posting will continue until morale improves. (I’m helping.)
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If you haven't yet, add the Quiet Posters feed to your collection. This feed catches the people you follow who don't post as often, and they're often some of the best: #Feeds #Feed
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tower of pizza, vertical view, route 22, green brook, new jersey, 1978
Yes for this and other important and difficult things
climate work has ingrained the thinking of "do all we can to save all we can". Not ceding before we've tried is a key part of that.
It’s understandably not as salient as health in people’s minds, but we’re also a lot better at the aesthetics of sustainability rather than actual sustainability.
I'm reminded again how culturally we're obsessed with the aesthetics of health not actual health.
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This. We have compost barrels for kitchen scraps and when partially done they go into our veggie beds. Then they turn into this:
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Metamorphosis insectorum surinamensium. Amsterdam: Voor den auteur, als ook by G. Valck,[1705].