
I have a theory that the evangelical Christian right, Catholic & Protestant, with their literal interpretation of biblical texts, are peculiarly vulnerable to this sort of magical thinking, because they already accept miracles and magic as literal truth Leads to this totally irrational crap
gotta nitpick a bit and say all evangelicals are protestants by definition
Ok. Except there are Catholics who are evangelical and super literal - but I suppose it’s not what we mean by the term now Happy for you to give me a better word for these two groups on the misogynistic anti abortion magical thinking Christian right!
Yeah, the denial of this annoys me. I live in the South and no one who doesn't live here will listen when I say Southern Catholics are just as likely to believe in Evangelical talking points as anyone else, especially the bigotry and Rapture nonsense.
"But that's not what the church teaches!" Yeah, no sh!t. Don't tell me, tell them.
right, but they’re specifically *not evangelical protestants* that’s not to say catholics are better, i grew up in catholic school and my teachers said some fucked up shit! religion class included current events where they would indoctrinate us about abortion and gay marriage.