
If you don't have emotional scars from usenet or dial-in BBSs, you really don't want to be calling anyone a Johnny come lately.
Lot of Johnny come latelies making rule 34 jokes today. If you weren’t scarred by seeing something horrific on 4chan in the 2000s I don’t want to hear it. Stolen valor
The 2000s? FFS, these kids nowadays 2400 baud dialups and hosting single-line BBSes back in the 90s here, and shit was *dif'rent* back then. You never new what you were gonna find surfing some rando's homepage (Mine was one of them!) I miss LoRD & Trade Wars even today, frankly
Finally upgrading to a 1200 baud acoustic coupler was a game changer. Now get off my lawn.
That's what I started on too, 1200 baud with velcro straps to hold the coupler in place, kinda like this one Eventually I went from 2400 all the way to 9600 - and that was also an external model. Didn't get an internal PC mount type until I got to 14400 and learned USR WinModems (which sucked)
My remote computing rig circa 1980.