
This makes me want to stab. "with a tablet" makes it sound like the tablet is doing half the work lol. Comics are legit the hardest fucking thing to make, fuck all the way off
First the Jim Lee commission price discourse and now this...everyone jack up their commission prices by at least 1k now. All old work you did where you undercharged, send that person a bill for this new price. I'm starting a mob to enforce this. I need our most ruthless goons now!
It also makes it sound like the tablet is the only investment. Nevermind the software, subscriptions, office space + necessary furniture... oh, and YEAR AND YEARS of acquired skill, patience, and passion for the craft
a single artist can make an art using a pencil
Oh yes, the $1200 tablet, $2,000 graphics computer, however-much monitor, and $$/mo art program. Plus domain hosting, ISP, self-employment taxes, paypal fees... and countless hours per week developing ergonomic issues. Comics are FREE to make! I'm bringing the torches.
You made a webcomic with a "tab-lett"? Ooohhhh, so you just press the buttons and beep-boop, it's done by magic in half the time!
I love the comics argument. Not only do you need to make appealing art but you need to create something that makes sense and in some cases is funny. I always describe my stuff as “silly little comics” but I’ll mull over ideas for months worrying if it’s even good
"Cheap to produce" because, obviously, the time, effort and education that goes into the labour is not considered a cost. By that logic, the person writing that article should be paid pittance as well, since they likely wrote it on a pc they didn't even buy themselves. Even cheaper to produce. 🤦
I'm so mad about this. It's the same thing I have gotten as a graphic designer since the dawn of time. "The computer does the work, you just push some buttons! How hard can it be?!" And as someone who makes comics using a tablet, I have been sick of the "digital isn't really work" crap forever.
Omg what the fuck. Comics take so long to create, they are legit so much more work than novels…
let's ignore cost to pay for and learn digital tools and also how to draw, just right out the window that shit's totally free
How much do tablets with pressure-sensitive styluses cost compared to a pen, ink, some markers, and a cheap scanner? I feel like people should be forced to take a written test before they're allowed to comment on our industry.
Currently relearning how to use a drawing tablet it definitely does NOT do half the work lmfao
I am/have been/have tried being an author. I've written a few short stories here and there, with some garnering a modicum of success on amateur sites. I cannot imagine taking THAT amount of work, and going "I'm just gonna triple it", by deciding to also draw the story on top of everything.
"It's easy to make a well, you just need a shovel." "It's easy to build a wooden house, all you need is a hammer." They are just so delusional.
Wish I knew it was that easy. And here I've been drawing tirelessly to get it done
"with a tablet" (like the one you watch Netflix with in bed)
Me, when i devalue labor to the extent that an artist and the tablet they work on are weighted abt the same in my sentence explaining the cost of webtoon creation for profit, like the world's worst 1st year business student
I dunno why, but from The BBC to Sky News, they always talk condescending-like to people who don't have (acceptable) "traditional" jobs or enjoy hobbies that they don't like.
I go through this every semester. Student's are shocked to find that a tablet is just a tool. It makes none of the decisions for you.
Whoever or whomever said that. Clearly hasn't tried to make a comic before.
That's just not what the article is talking about. It's obvious from reading it that they were talking about the barrier to entry, not the tablet being some magical drawing generator.