
Don't let anyone ever tell you America is split on abortion rights: A new poll shows that 81% of voters don't want abortion regulated by the government, but decided between a patient & doctor
This New Poll Should Terrify 81% of Americans Don't Want Abortion Regulated
Abortion isn’t an issue of Americans disagreeing—it’s not something that’s polarizing the country, and it’s not ‘controversial’. A small group of extremist legislators are passing bans against the wishes of the vast majority of voters, forcing laws onto people who don’t want them.
yeah and the Democrats need to go heavy on only this issue because many of us are really upset about Biden supplying Bibi money and weapons..still.
Shall we start with “there are too many people” and then progress to allowing the female ones to have control over their bodies? Yes, let’s start there …
And yet, they will still vote GQP and pray it doesn't happen to them, or delude themselves that they'll never need an abortion ....
Probably, though now Republicans are talking about national bans. I think Republicans were less likely to be concerned about state restrictions because they figured they have money, if they need an abortion they can just go to a different state. They might see going abroad as a different deal.
I think most Republicans think "of course an exception will be made for me. I'd only have an abortion for a really good reason, unlike other women." They believe that because they're (mostly) white and (often) rich, they'll have access. The ban is for *other people* in their view.
Yeah, you’re probably right. The idea that laws really only apply to others is pretty central to the Republican viewpoint. I guess I am just hoping this will make a significant difference. But that would require that Republican voters modify their positions based on new information, which 🫤.
It's like the blue state / red state divide. There aren't actually blue states, just ones where Christofascists are stopped at gunpoint from running things. The red states are where that isn't happening.
I would actually prefer that abortion be PROTECTED FEDERALLY rather than up to a potentially discriminatory doctor
Yes, it is the individual who should decide, with decent advice from practitioners. Sorted. Why are legislators even involved?
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