Men's rea activist

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Men's rea activist

If an adult tries to beef with you a good bit is to go "Where are your parents. I want to talk to your parents"
Interesting how the bad guys in star wars always wear helmets. This is anti bicycle safety propaganda
Don't ever tell me that being goofy is something I'm supposed to grow out of. Goofy is for life. I'll go to my grave goofy
Regular person: I'm constipated Gen Z person: The ass isn't assing And this only scratches the surface of how they talk...
(the computer suddenly grows arms and beats the shit out of me) That's enough internet for today
I'm so California pilled it's frankly embarrassing. No matter what's happening in my life I can go outside and look around like wooow
Craigslist rules. Has looked the same for like 30 years. Does what you need it to do. No new dumbass features to ruin it. The pinnacle of Business
Robocop is back. And this time...he's gay
Many of our nation's sleepiest girlfriends are surviving on less than 10 blankets a day
Dying is so embarrassing hey I gotta go can you take care of this flesh sack I'm leaving behind
this web site is chock full of sick freaks
Do not form an opinion of me without my express consent
Tech billionaire who hasn't talked to a normal person in 25 years: Here's what today's consumers want
(my wiener falls off and immediately grows little legs and runs off) My paenus!
Scary movie where the demons whisper stuff like "You have to work for the rest of your life" instead of rattling kitchen cabinets or whatever
"Bruce Wayne could end poverty but instead he chooses to dress up like a bat" Yes he earned the right to make that choice by being a good businessman
there are some days where i have more people mad at me online than my ancestors would have had mad at them in their entire lives. there is functionally no difference between this and being cursed by a witch
Slipping the doctor a 20 before he tells me my cholesterol results
I will not "loosen up." I will never "take it easy"
Time to clock out after another full day of replying stuff like "Cry more" and "Skill issue" to people online. It's not much but it's honest work
Respect isn't given, it's earned by careful and extensive lying
'the elder scrolls' yeah i sure do
My posts are but a mirror. If you see good posts then you have joy in your heart, and if you see bad posts then you carry misery with you. If you wish for my posts to improve, you must first improve yourself
Oh cool, my favorite athlete has a podcast where I can learn about who he is as a person and his views on...oh. Oh no
Oh I should let myself be vulnerable? Sounds like something my enemy would say
It's so important to lie about your personal life online to confuse snooping prospective employers. Today I'm a loving father of 3 in Romania, tomorrow I'm his wife...or perhaps someone else's
At the store thinking size M means Male and getting mad at S and L shirts because it's new genders
They have us living in places called Apartment rather than Togetherment, open your eyes
Can you say that again, I was listening through Poster ears and not Friend ears