
It's fun to slag on teenage boys but IMO they're not so much ideologically right-wing as they are desperate for the approval and mentorship of older dudes a lot of the time, and we are letting them down on that score (either by trying to indoctrinate them or not interacting with them at all).
I can’t even believe I have to say this but like, how can anyone believe that teenage boys are “ideologically” anything?
People are very dumb
How can people believe that, to a first approximation, *anybody* is ideologically anything?
This is where I lost the KOOL AID man smashing though a wall shouting THEORY OF MIND OOOOOOOOOH YEAH
People who believe themselves to be driven by consistent ideology wrongly believe 1) that others are driven by consistent ideology and 2) that they themselves are driven by consistent ideology.
Ideology is for morons, having a malleable personal philosophy and universal empathy is the way to go. I eventually realized the reason I thrived while some of my peers failed is because I had very good (non-ideological) male role models. It makes me lucky, not better.
I mean I feel like at root it means “I found a book that tells me what to believe rather than figuring it out for myself.”
Yup, people want easy answers, even better if you can reduce everything to a binary good/bad. Punish the sinners. I think a lot of this drives from people filling the hole left where church would have fit in the past (especially in the US). Community & comprehensible structure.
(To clarify: not advocating for anything, just an observation)
Yeah, I’ve said before, I completely understand why people have drifted from religion and mistrust religious institutions but it also feels undeniable that it has left a gaping hole in our culture.
I remember when you said that… and a light bulb went off in my head. One of those incomplete thoughts rattling around that clicked as soon as someone put it into words.