J Frederick

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J Frederick


Bespoke Spreadsheet Coach-builder, Tech Debt Librarian, IT Cat Wrangler, Untier of Knots, Counter of Many Things. Veteran of the Ars Troll Wars, Tactical Pony Operator.

Lurking on Policy, Cybersecurity, Defense Analysis, Ukraine, etc.
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I'm really annoyed with the "There wasn't a real primary this year" argument because if people think Biden's as bad as everyone seems to think he is, someone would have primaried him. Every politician is a careerist asshole, and the people who would have run actually interact with him.
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This was all planned before the debate, which seems important
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Also tomorrow in the New York Times, Bill Cosby on “Why It’s Paranoid To Watch Your Drink Carefully In Bars”
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This is the classic rock radio station I would sometimes listen to when I was a kid
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Saw an AI fireworks show and a guy lost all 7 fingers on one hand.
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Ah, yes, The Economist: the vanguard of the quest for youth
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right wing think tanks are making thinly veiled threats of political violence, the Supreme Court has neutralized the regulatory power of broad swaths of government, and the fate of the executive branch depends on whether the 81 year old atop it can learn to breakdance or something. Happy July 4th
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The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
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why is it so hard for people to understand this
If Biden wins this time, Thomas and Alito will be around 80, so it’s not crazy to think he could get the court to 5-4 liberal himself. If the Dems then win the next presidency too then it’s getting close to a lock
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Traitor calls for Bobby Jr to be coronated as the Democratic nominee, never mind that no Dem wants him, from inside Russia. You can’t make this shit up.
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
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I'm pleased to see people are opening to the idea of Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket. We're riding with Biden as long as he wants to run, but I'll be happy to support VP Harris if she's our nominee. (Spare my your "she's a cop" responses. Logically she's the only choice if Joe steps down.)
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From Hopium today: - Happy Fourth all! I’m flying my flag right-side up this weekend, not upside down - Biden gains in 2 new natl polls, leads in new PA poll. Election is close, competitive & we can't let up - Powerful new Biden ad on danger of Trump 👇 www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/new-biden-...
New Biden Ad, Happy Fourth, and A Big, Big Thank Youwww.hopiumchronicles.com Jane Kleeb Reports In From Nebraska With A Video Message For The Hopium Community!
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Jesus Christ, people, treating this like a TV show where ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN NEXT EPISODE and WOULDN'T IT BE SO CRAZY is how you got here, stop being such fucking idiots all the time.
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If you're spending huge amounts of time and effort to be wrong about something, consider that there's probably a simple heuristic you could be using that is (1) close enough to right, and (2) involves way less effort. This doesn't fix the problem if you're just stupid, though.
Orange Man Bad explains far more than many comparative politics PhDs care to admit
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it’s why you have people still blaming affirmative action for why their kids couldn’t get into harvard et al. it’s not legacies or the fact that these places are hyper-selective. it’s that there is *a* black person who took *your* spot.
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something I've been thinking about lately that might be useful to some of y'all right now is that sometimes when you can't muster any optimism or hope you can decide to continue fighting anyway on behalf of others who still have some
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If this means I die at the hands of the men of Good King Biden while mutuals cheer, so be it. If I see any of you advocating this when I come back, you are blocked and don't set foot on my rez. Have some damn self-respect.
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Ukraine did just demonstrate to the world just how fast a bunch of boring software developers can mobilize into a very deadly modern army if they’re sufficiently motivated.
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I think I'm done mourning for now and this is the energy I'm embracing
Like 5% of my brain is always John Belushi yelling, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
Animal House: Germans Bombed Pearl Harborwww.youtube.com YouTube video by Ed Morrissey
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Like there's a lot they were not especially clear about, and all sorts of reasons where we shouldn't tie our own future to their past. But "Kings are bad; the President is not a King; he must be constrained by law" is one of the few things they were, to their credit, very clear about
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"This means that if Trump returns to office, he will have free rein to wield the Justice Department as he sees fit—and he and his allies have already given plenty of indications as to what they plan to do." Alito and Thomas serve a very useful function in drawing attention away from Roberts.
John Roberts Casually Obliterates Independent Justice Departmentnewrepublic.com The Supreme Court chief justice used Donald Trump’s immunity ruling to wreck the concept of an independent Department of Justice.
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Declaring a moratorium on anybody responding to someone exasperated at finding themselves in support of Joe Biden unless it is with one of these or the equivalent.
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It's too bad the 2nd Amendment dudes who swore they'd be the undauntable defenders of our democracy against attack by a brutal monarch turned out to be too busy denouncing rainbow plushies at Target.
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No kings in America, be they Executive or Judicial.
On the other hand: this is usefully clarifying. No more fucking around. I will be voting for Biden in November to block Trump from re-ascending to power. No kings in America.
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Okay, I am going to be off this website for an unknown length of time, as I suspect people are going to be *extra* awful now, but I will say a few things first:
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We have four months left to save democracy. Is Joe Biden old? Fuck you.