
wish american politics were less bleak right now so we could have more fun talking about how the french legislature has one of the most insane election processes every devised
the funniest part is that despite how convoluted the system is, in practice it usually (some years overwhelmingly) produces the same outcome as a top-two runoff would. but this year there are 3 strong and 1 middling party running and now a majority of seats have 3- or 4-way second rounds
in most but not all of these districts, 3rd or 4th place candidates from non-national front parties are dropping out. french people would rather do all that than to go therapy (adopt ranked choice voting)
Look, top-4 Ranked Choice would be fine too! The Popular Front and En Marche could be campaigning on "rank Le Pen last, do what you want after that"
yeah the top-two presidential runoff produces wild results when there are 4 strong parties, if i'm remembering right last time around virtually any combination of two candidates out of the top 4 could've plausibly made the 2nd round
very funny that France has 577 reps while the USA, at about 5x the population, has 435. because any house reps more wouldn't fit in the building. no you can't make the building bigger and no you can't just meet in a bigger building.
people in 1929 contemplating the idea of a building with 436 people inside:
my suggestion for a large, currently-unused facility with ample seating for the newly expanded house, just blocks away from the capitol:
The founders believed team size should have an upper bound determined by “The 165 Pizza Rule”
Is it crazier than the Serene Republic choosing the Doge? (not being sarcastic, I'm no expert, and maybe you are)
Nothing beats Venice. The craziest part of the Venetian electoral process was that step one involved creating an Amber Alert