#1 Shoup Fan

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#1 Shoup Fan


French PM Attal posted his BeReal while doing his resignation paperwork IMO you do not have to post during your PM resignation
My Macron Apology Form
I will not be issuing a "Macron Apology" form. Calling the election now was very dumb, and his plan to discredit Le Pen by letting her form a gov was very dumb. The fact that the Left and the voters saved France from Le Pen is entirely out of his control.
Yeah, I'm celebrating line goes up
In case anyone was curious I spent the Fourth doing my military history dad best, re-listening to Wages of Destruction and chanting USA! USA! USA! whenever US productive capacity comes up
Biked 100 Miles. Drank Ayran. Happy for Labour. Happy 4th of July! Following in the tradition of enormous Tory losses on the 4th, I urge the Tory leadership of the UK to flee to Canada.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Shoup Fan
“I took a calculated risk, but man, am I bad at math.”
Obviously, because the revolutions of 1848 were meant to succeed. We've been in the bad timeline totally free from The World Spirit since then :(
something that i do think about with some regularity is that there is no way to tell if this actually is the bad timeline or not.
Rewatching Babylon 5. Episodes are B average, but the way it fits together is A+ S1E6 is so good b/c it not only introduces Bester and the Psi Cops (amazing villains) it also has the first hint of how many ancient alien species are out there treating us like ants.
Now we're getting the good stuff. You know I saw a suspicious bump on Trump's suite, was he being fed his answers? /s
I'm not an audio guy primarily, but I'm a little curious about how they had both podium microphones and lavs clipped to their suits. If on the lav, there's no reason Biden's levels shouldn't match Trump's except a decision by the mixer or a technical flub
Learning about ways to steam milk at home and getting closer and closer to buying the CONTRAPTION... yes I would love to create a pressurized vessel of hot steam on the stove every morning just to froth some milk with a tiny little spigot.... yes I would love to eyeball how much steam I need...
Good article whose arguments I agree with. You can see why cautious optimism about the energy transition is warranted. Now we have to figure out what to do with the carbon we've already added to the atmosphere if emissions really do peak in the next years thechinalab.substack.com/p/the-vibe-i...
The Vibe Is Wrongthechinalab.substack.com Brett Christophers' The Price Is Wrong, reviewed
Noboa making fun of Bukele is quite funny. "The Coolest Dictator in the World? Sure, in a country the size of Guayas" So petty
There have been two Presidents educated in a modern Engineering curriculum: - Hoover - Carter so the evidence is not good on that one (Washington, Jefferson all had an education that you might think of as including some proto-engineering stuff but honestly it's too different to count)
i’m reading john dickerson’s book on the presidency, which is quite good, and it has me thinking about what jobs would make good training for being president. there are obvious ones like being governor, but i think a less obvious one is director on a big hollywood blockbuster
Reposted byAvatar #1 Shoup Fan
I really, really hope this comes to fruition and I hope they do a good job, because Piranesi is one of the best books I ever read.
Biked 120km, drinking chai now. It's pretty nice
I dislike the bag b/c I can now no longer transport the chicken in my bike's basket. It used to be the perfect size This is, I admit, a very specific use case
Reposted byAvatar #1 Shoup Fan
The American people demand R290 monobloc heat pumps
I think the weird part about reading criminology is that the relationship between the economy (unemployment, inflation, whatever you want) and crime is weak. You would think it would be strong!
What if A better economy makes for less crime
Hochul's authority to stop Congestion pricing apparently comes from being able to tell State DOT to not sign the VPPP agreement: @davecolon.bsky.social
Hochul cancelling Congestion Pricing is the evil, anti-Urbanist version of Daley destroying Meig's field in '03. "Can they do that? Is that legal? Fuck you, I did it"
okay let me get this straight. the governor of new york decided to announce that she was stopping the congestion charge thing, something she has no legal authority to do, without securing the votes she needs to do so, and she saw this as a good idea because hakeem jeffries said so?
Video Games are bad now (sincere) Thanks to all the major AAA studios for taking one for the team!
it's a skills gap bro. dude, the video games are too good. there's a Great Stagnation bro, all the innovations are done. can't let debt to GDP get above 90 percent bro, there are bond vigilantes
I find Shiv Sena really fascinating. The UBT faction just beat the older faction. Imagine if Texas had a Texan-Supremacist party allied to the GOP, but then half of it split and made an alliance with minorities to focus on hating new Californians in Texas, which then won.
Indian election looking a lot more competitive than polling predicted. Polls were saying BJP + allies at 350+, I think now maybe a fight for 300? Still a majority, but wow
The world population grew so fast in the 20th century that I find a lot of concerns about population hard to worry about. Imagine that TFR drops to 1.5, ok, sure, hmm, in 2200 there will be as many people as in... 1950. To get to an "empty world" you need the whole world to drop to .75 soon.
Very charming reddit thread where people post their 1980s recordings of playing D&D. Very funny how they all sound so similar to my (much later) experience of being a 14 year old playing several editions later www.reddit.com/r/rpg/commen...
Reddit - Dive into anythingwww.reddit.com A subreddit for all things related to tabletop roleplaying games
One thing that's soured me a bit on GANGS OF NEW YORK is that Asbury's 1927 book of the same name that it is based on is not that reliable. Scorsese than moves things around from Asbury, making even the roughly correct temporal elements totally wrong. Good film though.
sometimes i think about how if you could somehow cut all of the leo and cameron diaz stuff from GANGS OF NEW YORK you would have the single greatest movie ever made about 19th century American urban politics, a film that would appeal to me, specifically
They already made the perfect Reagan Movie, they just oddly did it before he became President
Reagan isn't interesting. A blind idiot God, an empty front-man for grifters and jesus freaks who've taken over of country. We need more Nixon movies.
YouTube Thumbnail format is so powerful that even videos about HVAC has to be a guy looking shocked at something with "This Changes Everything" written over it
It feels like AI is too early yo be happy about. If we were seeing this kind of change in 2060 when the labor crunch will really happen it might be easier to be optimistic.