
Again with the shooting off fireworks in the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE. WHY. WHY. WHY IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE? (I think it's b/c I live on the last quiet block of a dead-end street & people know they can stand in the street for ages w/ little chance of having to move for cars. But I hate it.)
The solution is grouchy old ladies waving brooms at em. That’s what works in my neighborhood. You need more crotchety old ladies!! I’ve seen a squad of 5-6 at a time and I was right there with em. 😉
I am hearing them somewhere in the general vicinity -- like a clusterfuck, not just one rogue arm-blowing firework. But it's the hills so no only do I get to be neurotic about possible fires but I don't even get to SEE them as compensation because there are dark peaks hiding them.
Same here. Assholes woke up my kid.
Have you called the sheriff or whatever LE where you live?