
“They made the trains run on time” No they didn’t. They shot anyone who said the trains were late
How long do you think a journalist lives after writing “Train service suffers under incompetent management” under Chancellor Hitler?
It would mainly swing on whether or not downtown Berlin had traffic
Incidentally, the German equivalent of this trope is "At least the Führer built the Autobahn!" and it's surrounded by a different set of myths.
Reichsautobahn -
I always thought the trains running on time was a "sick joke," referring to the nazi death trains, taking Jews and other undesirables to the death camps. Not about actual public transport trains.
The trains on time expression wasn't in reference to Hitler but to Mussolini.
Attributed to fascists in general but yes. The Italian fascists had the most extreme delta between style and competence
Yeah if you read any of the accounts of the Fascist Grand Council, it was just a bunch of Italian men crying and kissing each other as their pathetic armies got completely routed in six weeks.
It was AFAIK originally a remark about the Italian fascists under Mussolini, and really did mean normal rail transit. It was also always wrong, because in a turn that really shouldn't surprise anyone, fascists don't tend to manage infrastructure well.
Eventually you run out of other people’s confiscated wealth
“Our system works if a whole bunch of people labor endless without compensation of any kind and we get their belongings too” - The Reich and the Confederacy
It's not even that so much as that a cult of machismo isn't conducive to paying attention to small details on everyday civilian matters, which is necessary if you want good infrastructure
it's why it's so attractive to brutes and dummies. "this problem seems complex and has multiple stakeholders" becomes "no it isn't"
This is why I’m so excited to be on Bluesky. The conversations are SO much more intelligent and interesting.
I've always been fascinated by the S-Bahn Killer, who murdered women in Berlin from '39 to '41, and got away with it for so long because news was suppressed for morale, and authorities refused to consider that the killer might not be a Jew or other undesirable, but rather a Nazi in good standing.
Also I bet I could make the trains run on time without genocide being involved at all
Extremely cursed fiction idea. A program to resurrect Hitler and Mussolini and put them in charge of a class 1 railroad.
I thought that was Mussolini? Not actually a member of the Nazi party.
I believe it was. Also, my understanding is that they actually inherited that train program from an earlier iteration of the government.
The story I heard was that Mussolini’s govt would invite foreign journalists to tour Italy to report on how the fascists had Made Italy Great Again. And they made damn sure that the trains carrying those journalists ran on time by shunting all other trains aside….
A very specific subset of Nazi Germany's trains ran very very on time.
IIRC, "he made the trains run on time" was said about Mussolini, who took over a railway system that already worked fine when he took over the government. Fascists are good at taking credit for things they didn't do.
I just read a very dense economic history of the Nazi Empire and boy howdy did the trains NOT RUN AT ALL by like 1943
Every war is a resource production and allocation contest. Ancient and contemporary fascism cannot pull this off for very long.
he REALLY underestimated the USSR because part of his racism was anti-Slavic (it's weird) and he refused to believe backwards farmers could create an industrial capacity. But basically from 1935 on he had "how we beat the UK" targets and just missed them *every single year* until 1945
The story of their heavy water supply is an interesting one as well
I'm trying to remember if he covered that? Hitler knew early on that he didn't have the capacity to win but France/UK were militarizing so quickly he had to launch the war earlier than he wanted. And from then on he was behind in productive capacity
The Norwegians took out the supply in a ski-based op and that was the ballgame
if you have the patience for it, "Wages of Destruction" is the book. And that was Hitler's problem - he needed more coal than he had to produce steel which meant he needed to conquer more territory and the machine engulfed itself
Maybe they look better in comparison to how well Deutsche Bahn does now.