
I will be straight up, considering the United States’ behavior towards refugees fleeing persecution, I’m not sure that Americans who try to do the same shouldn’t have their passports flagged and be asked to leave. But ESPECIALLY if you try to flee to a country USA has interfered with.
On the one hand I don't like the American notion they can just jet-set to another country and think they can just do that but on the other hand I don't like the logic here - Syria has treated Palestinian refugees from the Nakba abominably but does that mean Syrian refugees should be treated poorly?
I am talking strictly about USA, which acts as a world police, which destabilizes governments, denies their refugees, & has enabled many of the conditions that have led to the plight of Palestinians. I am not flattening situations I’m less informed about in a way that views them all as the same.
ultimately I don't like this conflation of the people with the government if there is a civil war in the US the people fleeing would ultimately be people who weren't in the halls of power - it's not like former Nazis fleeing to Argentina - so I am inclined to mercy
I get you and we share many of the same views, they just diverge in how we parse them. I view Americans with the privilege to leave as generally complicit in the global disaster that we've & settling elsewhere often more akin to gentrification. Leaving US but bringing Americanism is bad.
"Americans with the privilege to leave are complicit" Dog, this is just vengeance at this point. We shouldn't navigate life with vengeance as a motivator. It's simply not productive, you're arguing for eye for an eye.