
TODAY- CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12 arrives in comic shops, wrapping up our 3rd story arc, the Age Unconquered and our first year after the relaunch. Action and payoffs aplenty! Did we stick the landing? Buy your copy today and find out!
Just in from the comic shop with my copy.
I know you and the team already receive heaps of praise, but allow me to add a little more to those heaps. I've only dipped my toe into Conan's comics over the years. This is the first time I've regularly followed—and enjoyed!—one of his series for this long. Congratulations on your first year!
Thrilled to hear it! We're putting our all into every issue and are thrilled readers are responding so warmly.
It shows! My god, does it show. Howard's stuff has been a blind spot in my reading habits and this team makes me want to finally jump into his Conan stories too.
Also, I was on a panel with Alan Quah last year at the Singapore Comic Con, and it was a joy to see how excited he is to be working here and there on Conan. It's great that everyone on these books clearly have such unabashed love for the character.
I'd say you did. Reading this, I was on the edge of my seat!