
I'd like to believe, but I'm a bit jaded by observing recent voting outcomes in New York City. My fellow New Yorkers ignored more than one highly capable female mayoral candidate in favor of a male who is demonstrating an array of corruption... That's New York, what happens in swing states?
New York has a uniquely bad track record of electing terrible politicians, in no small part IMO because it is not swing state!
uniquely terrible ranked choice voting method that encourages outcomes where people who most certainly would support both the top 2 and top 3 candidates if they knew in advance it would mean not Adams, but did not know that when they voted.
Fair point. But still doubt NYC would've elected a woman. As with NY governorship, I fear women will only land in some of these offices when a corrupt male is finally removed* — truly hope I'm wrong. *Analogy doesn't apply to current presidential situation in terms of corruption, but same concept.
If the ranked choice voting worked in the same way that Alaska's did, I'm almost certain one of the top women would have been picked. And the next D governor is almost certainly a black woman unless Hochul somehow recovers from what she's done.