
It's hard to believe that the vice president would poll better than a bunch of first term governors and forgettable senators that 97% of Americans have never heard of. Wait, no -- that's exactly what anyone with a clue would expect.
I'd like to believe, but I'm a bit jaded by observing recent voting outcomes in New York City. My fellow New Yorkers ignored more than one highly capable female mayoral candidate in favor of a male who is demonstrating an array of corruption... That's New York, what happens in swing states?
New York has a uniquely bad track record of electing terrible politicians, in no small part IMO because it is not swing state!
uniquely terrible ranked choice voting method that encourages outcomes where people who most certainly would support both the top 2 and top 3 candidates if they knew in advance it would mean not Adams, but did not know that when they voted.
Fair point. But still doubt NYC would've elected a woman. As with NY governorship, I fear women will only land in some of these offices when a corrupt male is finally removed* — truly hope I'm wrong. *Analogy doesn't apply to current presidential situation in terms of corruption, but same concept.
If the ranked choice voting worked in the same way that Alaska's did, I'm almost certain one of the top women would have been picked. And the next D governor is almost certainly a black woman unless Hochul somehow recovers from what she's done.
My issue with Kamala is there’s no way to get a VP approved by the house and then we’re back to 2020 without her certifying. I’m also not a fan of hard nosed prosecutors who do an about face when going into national politics but I’ll vote for a dead monkey over Trump
Currently, the notion is Biden declines the nomination in favor of Harris, but serves out his term. I can guarantee if he declines the nomination, the howling for his resignation will intensify.
People pushing Kamala Harris want the Democratic Party to lose so they can self-righteously blame the Left.
I would vote for any Dem over T, and Kamala may be as/more popular than Joe among likely Dem voters. Still, I have no faith that the press wouldn't vilify her the same way they did Hillary, and we'd then get a replay of 2016. It's really Joe and his team's call to make either way.
Is there an argument you could make to voters who want Harris that voting for Biden lets her serve longer? Or if Biden were to die now would she still be able to get two terms?
Yes. The cutoff is "acted as the president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president". It's why LBJ had to say, "If nominated I will not run", in '68.
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.”
Genuine question because I'm not a campaign operative: how feasible is it, logistically, to swap in/build a functioning retail politics ground game in >4 months? Obviously Harris has a big advantage over any other replacement in terms of integration with the current team, but I'm worried.
I'm convinced by the arguments in the piece, but it feels like a separate question whether the Democrats, institutionally, are agile enough to pull off a swap.
This was much better and more thought out than the edit board’s piece; it’s an actual logical argument with an actual solution. Thank you.
She does have one major advantage. She could just say ‘Before I was a politician, I put criminals in jail. Before Trump was a politician, he was a criminal. And still is’
This poll is extremely convincing: • 13 point swing to Harris among independents • 8 point swing to Harris among POC • 6 point to Harris among women I strongly agreed with your column anyway but this poll is rock solid evidence that it's time to make the switch. Let Harris win.
Literally every poll always shows a generic candidate doing better than a named candidate. Nothingburger.
If Biden cannot speak extemporaneously in a hostile setting after 5:00 PM, he cannot win this election, a high risk move is better than a sure loss.
A: Love Kamala B: These polls are garbage. Evidence is the last few years of elections C: she out performs now (which is great) but if she was running there would be an onslaught of negative news D: I really don’t think a woman can win the presidency. I just don’t think shed get one male vote.
She would get my vote. I liked her in the primaries in 2016 too.
Imagine, if the Democrats had spent the last year leaning into a Kamala candidacy. But they can’t even do that much in the direction of inclusion.
No, this isn’t on “the Democrats.” Kamala Harris has been everywhere. It’s on ostensibly interested people not paying attention, and on media that assiduously sidelines her.
And instead they just straight up gaslit us about a man unfit to hold office! “It’s just a stutter.” Fucking liars. He needs to resign the presidency both so Harris can run as an incumbent but also because it’s the right thing to do.
I less idea what is going on than most, but I would love to see KH beat Trump.
R+3 women Im not saying it, i need you to say it.
It seems to me that a vote for Biden *is* a vote for Harris.
If people have doubts about Biden but are willing to vote for Harris, a vote for a Biden Harris ticket accomplishes this. Even better Biden can then order a missile strike on Maralago, resign, then get a pardon from Harris after SCOTUS rules Dem presidents can be prosecuted.
I am not a Harris supporter by any means, but if she was put forward for *this* election, I would seriously consider voting for her for *this* election. I live in California and it maybe wouldn't be necessary but my fear of Trump would possibly take precedence over my issues with Harris.
Copmala Fate Biden Harris already lost a ton of support from Black voters since 2020. For same reasons he’s lost other voters, age, housing prices, Gaza. Etc etc. No introspection, just weird racist claims that Black voters are a monolith.