
Absolutely furious at a doctor to start my day, so that's nice.
Nobody who says "you're not going to get diabetes, that only happens to people who make poor choices" deserves to practice medicine.
"Portion control" is not the appropriate response to someone who says they're exhausted with the things they're already trying to do. "Move more!" To the person with no car, biking everywhere and putting 10km a day into pokemon go.
"The thing I struggle with most is the interoceptive awareness deficits I get from ADHD - every time I feel hunger, it's an emergency, and I don't feel full until hours after a meal, so every time I eat it's a conscious effort to decide when to stop, despite feeling no less hungry."
"Yeah, everybody struggles with that." Go fuck yourself, lady.
At what point should one stop the doctor and inform them that the visit is now concluded and that they’re fired? For me that point arrived much earlier in this “conversation”, but perhaps I’m an extremist.