
Note also the sentence after the first highlighted section. Great replacement theory isn't a fringe belief limited to the pages of Stormfront anymore. Now it's orthodoxy throughout the right.
The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election rigged beyond repair
BTW make no mistake about what's going on here. Heritage is laying the intellectual foundation for overturning a Biden victory in November. It's battlefield preparation.
I have no doubt about the goal, but what is the means? It was far easier for Trump to make such an attempt when he was in power in 2020 (thankfully, he was unprepared). Is the hope that the courts will be more receptive this time?
The courts, the House of Reps, and the Senate are all possible venues. I don't know what role state legislatures play in all of this, but if they're involved I'm sure they'll be a target too.
The last sentence. There will be explicit arguments that a GOP house or senate shouldn't certify a Biden victory.
Laying the foundation? Certainly. Laying the intellectual foundation? LOL.
Yes, the last sentence is actually the most important.
My glass half full hot take is that they're preparing for a loss in the general election
I wish this were true. What they're preparing for is to overturn a loss in the general election.
That was my first thought, but even if Trump wins they'd say it was *despite* the rigging.
Have they ever seen a mail-in ballot? Do they think people just scribble their preference on a 3x5 index card and mail that in?
Well they think non citizens can vote, so anything is possible.
Making quite explicit the whole "the cheating part was the 15th Amendment" thing huh
Does an "illegal invasion of illegal aliens" work as a double negative so that it's actually legal?
Clowns laying down 🐂💩 or statements unconnected to reality. No need to pick them up.
They have put decades into Project 2025 and they will do what ever it takes to take over the Federal Government in Jan. It's has become the most dangerous of times. It's going to be one hell of ride this election.