Emmitt Fitz-Hume

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Emmitt Fitz-Hume


Former Information officer at State. Started in ‘74 as a mail boy. My father got me my job. Recently promoted to Gathering, Level 20. A considerable step-up in base pay.
I am discouraged that we live in times in which one’s distaste for political violence must be stated, rather than assumed.
As a staunch opponent of political violence, I greatly prefer when national leaders respond to it by condemning violence and expressing concern for victims (image 1) rather than encouraging violence and laughing at victims (image 2).
It’s going to be kind of anticlimactic when the shooter turns out to be be the schizophrenic son of some subcontractor Trump stiffed back in the 80s.
If there’s one way to remove waste or inefficiency in a commercial enterprise, it’s to let the government run it.
Nationalize Boeing. It is the right thing to do of course and it is also the most humane way to put the executives out of their misery however I am open to other suggestions in that area as well
NASA astronauts stuck in space after Boeing Starliner issueswww.chron.com Faulty thrusters and helium leaks have plagued the aircraft, though officials believe there's no danger to the Americans taking it home.
Our local theater was showing The Last Starfighter today, which was as awesomely cheesy as I recall. But when Centauri’s car showed up, one of my kids said “it’s the first Cybertruck!” and now I 💯 honestly wonder if this was Elon’s inspiration.
I was born closer in time to the Hoover Administration than today is to the day I was born.
Reskeet with how old you are using a vague proxy: I’m older than the Designated Hitter
Depends on how good your lawyer is, I suppose.
Honestly, some divorces are “I’m sorry” events, and some are “congratulations “ ones.
“Evaluating the First Amendment in its historical context leads us inescapably to the conclusion that paying hush money to porn stars and then falsifying business records about the transaction is without question protected speech. We therefore vacate Trump’s convictions.” -Alito, J., for the Court.
“They got Trump on falsifying records related to paying hush money to a porn star he fucked” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as “they got Capone on tax evasion,” but I’ll take it.
Ælfric of Eynsham (c. 955 – c. 1010) would appreciate if you don't do a shitty job copying his Lives of the Saints.
Ending no fault divorce is exceedingly unlikely to happen, if for no other reason than it will personally and adversely affect too many rich white men.
After ending national abortion rights, the Christian fascists have been targeting birth control and pornography. Ben Carson has signaled the next challenge: no-fault divorce. They'll also go for extramarital and same-sex intimacy as well. www.nbcnews.com/politics/202...
Ben Carson calls for making divorce harderwww.nbcnews.com Carson, who is often mentioned as a potential Trump VP, writes in his new book that the U.S. should end no-fault divorce laws.
Ah yes, the “let’s do a coup to get back at people for doing a coup” strategy. Brilliant.
declare a National Security Emergency, boot the J6 caucus, what you have left is de facto quorum qualified to vote
I don’t find today’s polling particularly worrisome for Biden, but if the Democratic Party has any Bothans, maybe start their spy training now. Just in case.
9/11 was a spectacular strategic victory for bin Laden. Hard to imagine how it could have worked out better for his ideological movement. As for him personally, he knew when he gave the order it would only be a matter of time before we killed him. Martyrdom was baked into the plan.
That's the point: Terrorist organizations often do what they do to "draw the foul," to see if they can score points by baiting their opponents to overreact. Bin Laden was hoping for the same reaction; didn't work out well for him.
I tend not to believe any of that “America in decline” silliness. But were I ever to change my mind, it would be because of stuff like this.
For the release of Taylor Swift’s “The Tortured Poets Department,” about 50 Harvard University students who are in a class devoted entirely to the artist gathered in a lecture hall to listen to the new album. When the clock struck midnight, the analysis began.
Harvard’s Taylor Swift Scholars Have Thoughts on ‘Tortured Poets’www.nytimes.com The students taking Harvard University’s class on the singer are studying up. Their final papers are due at the end of the month.
A+ post.
5th Circuit grants qualified immunity to cops shooting at the sun because it's a bit black today
If you’re a lawyer, and you find yourself using the phrase “Your Honor’s daughter” in a brief, you have fucked up on a level most weren’t even aware was possible.
NEW: Trump team fires back: "The Court appears to have recently violated Canon 3 by making public statements about the case, and, separately, used the Office of Court Administration to respond to media reports relating to Your Honor's daughter." s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24...
An immutable law of the universe is that anyone who thinks he’s the smartest person in a room never is. That includes any crypto bro in a room alone.
You can't forget the narcissism present in a lot of crypto folks. Sure, you have a lot of pure conmen, but you also have a lot of amoral kids who grew up rich enough that they haven't experienced significant consequences for overestimating their own abilities.
Hard to believe anyone who dresses like that could ever alienate people.
the Ronna McDaniel firing reminds me of that famous poem. First they came for the bird-brained morons, the most irredeemable pieces of shit on Earth, and I did not sp-
Been quite the year for SEC schools to go down to squads from Michigan hasn't it
BREAKING: Amid uncertainty surrounding the Princess of Wales' health, King Harald V of Norway has landed an army near Stamford Bridge in the north of England
So when government enacts divorce laws it’s legislating its own disestablishment?
This “article,” which is at the top of the FoxNews page at the moment, names and quotes exactly one trucker. And it’s not even a quote obtained for the article - it’s just repeating something the guy wrote on Elon’s Nazi BBS.
I’m guessing that right about now, Donald Trump is in a room with Elon Musk, offering to consolidate the entire federal government into a new Department of X, of which Trump will make Elon the first Secretary, in exchange for whatever bond collateral is needed for an appellate bond.
A law that says "it's fine for me to kill your civilians but wrong for you to kill mine" is anything but a moral law.
That was a smart move of his. Every 2.5 minutes mattered. For instance, here he destroyed both his career and the credibility of the entire US global empire in less than that time.
1870-71: Franco-Prussian War, 433K dead 1914-1918: WWI, 17.6M dead, including 116K Americans 1939-1945: WWII, 54M dead in Europe, including 277K Americans 1949: NATO founded 1949- : No big interstate war in Europe (until Ukraine, which isn't in NATO) 2024: "NATO's dumb. What's it do for us anyway?"