
my cemetery has tons of historical correspondence by employees going back almost 200 years and i like to read it and make myself insane thinking about how much more shit i am expected to do in a day than these people and how i am not even actually making that much more money than them
I am an engineer and have this same thought about the speed of work when drawings were done by hand and not on the computer and that was way less than 200 years ago.
This is why there is so much hope that machine learning will replace illustrators and writers. It’s the turnaround time, not the art itself.
People seem to think with this comment that I’m pro-machine learning to replace artists. Maybe that’s on me. I actually feel the opposite. And I purposely use the name machine learning, because the other, two-letter term is marketing bullshit.
Don't shoot the messenger, guys. He's accurately describing the motivations of the parasite class, not a member of the parasite class himself.
I appreciate the benefit of the doubt.