
I think there is basically consensus now among elected Dems that court reform is necessary, if there wasn't before.
a moderately sized win in this election will likely be sufficient to do it.
Dems taking the trifecta seems like enough. Plus one timely passing among Thomas, Alito, or roberts.
if Dems take the trifecta I think that's enough now, full stop
do you know if any insider-ish type has put out something about what the likely reform would be? The options, from packing to jurisdiction stripping etc. have a pretty wide range of impact and norm breaking
Adding a justice for each circuit+adding a circuit or two is something that I think dems could pitch as serving a functional purpose as well as shifting the balance of the court
I’ve long thought this was the sensible approach. Rs and NYT will howl, but it won’t feel like overreach to the vast majority of D voters. Especially now.