
lets be honest, the toughest SOB holding a US passport is Jimmy Carter and it isn't close to close, one of the few people in history who went into a nuclear reactor came back out and nothing at all happened and now dude has lasted over a year in hospice, literal brain cancer cannot beat this guy
I will say what Einstein erroneously said about Gandhi, that future generations will not believe that such a person once walked the earth in flesh and blood
I have a soft spot for Carter as did a terrible "prove you deserve the help" interview to get a grant for going to college, & was asked "name a presidential hero" (bleurgh). And I had a vague knowledge that he did cool stuff, &I said him because of what he did AFTER. Surprised them. &got the cash.
to be fair to this group, they ended up sending me a grant each year I was at university, which covered my books (huge help), and seemed genuinely thrilled someone hadn't said "Jefferson" or something. They even invited me to a fancy lunch each summer to "let them know how it was going".