Elizabeth Bear

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Elizabeth Bear


Multiple award winning science fiction author and occasional futurist. Cat furniture: horse patsy. Almost certainly two ornimegalonyxes in a trenchcoat.

Newsletter: https://buttondown.email/matociquala
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Listen to Victor.
I am seriously jealous of those discovering the work of French-Vietnamese speculative fiction writer Aliette de Bodard for the first time. "Whether you’re new to her work or have been following her for years, there’s always something new to try." reactormag.com/the-wonderfu...
The Wonderful Worlds of Aliette de Bodard - Reactorreactormag.com Whether you’re new to her work or have been following her for years, there’s always something new to try
Oh, I just figured out how to get unstuck on this manuscript. My protagonist wasn't moving towards anything so I just need to throw everything out and start over. Well, better to figure that out at 9000 words than 109,000 words.
Oh look there's a new John Wiswell story coming up next week too.
A man using a social media app that reaches across dimensions to talk to himself in different timelines, discovers some of his problems are universal...and some are not... Next week. "I'll Miss Myself" by @wiswell.bsky.social Illustrated by Eva Redamonti | Edited by @jonathanstrahan.bsky.social
How about a brand new Scott Lynch story this weekend?
This Sunday, July 7th-- read "Selected Scenes From the Ecologies of the Labyrinth," a new short story from me concerning the realities of dungeon adventuring! Find it for free at the Sunday Morning Transport (@morningtransport.bsky.social)! www.sundaymorningtransport.com
The Sunday Morning Transport | Julian Yap | Substackwww.sundaymorningtransport.com An amazing science fiction/fantasy short story each week. Click to read The Sunday Morning Transport, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
Reading ANCESTRAL NIGHT (first in the series) now, enjyoing the quick-shift feeling of disorientation like a spanking new artificial grav field kicking on.
Hell, the entire load-bearing backstory of my White Space books is "What if all the eschatological tech billionaires and millennarians fucked off into space and left a severely damaged Earth in the hands of the community organizers, who rewired our brains to be more commensal."
I kicked in a little. Because that's a long walk.
I am doing a 26-mile walk on Saturday to raise money for the Alzheimers Society. (Probably on my own as Mr KJC has covid.) Can I hoover up any more sponsorship? Please donate if you can and share, make my future blisters worthwhile! www.justgiving.com/page/kj-char...
KJ's fundraiser for Alzheimer's Societywww.justgiving.com Help KJ Charles raise money to support Alzheimer's Society
Hello, 3 am my old friend. Middle aged insomnia, anxiety, and something pissed off a skunk in the yard. Rethinking my plans to get up early and go for a run before it gets hot.
Creative types, this is a great week to reread your copy of Never Say You Can't Survive: How to Get Through Hard Times by Making Up Stories by @charliejane.bsky.social. I mean, if you're feeling a little stressed out by everything and it's hard to focus.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
Going to be adding a chapter to this book called "The Weight of the World" where I talk about the challenge of continuing to create in the face of existential crisis. Feels relevant this week. www.backerkit.com/c/projects/s...
Structuring Life to Support Creativitywww.backerkit.com A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
Just used the ladies toilet at Heathrow. Under the incoming Labour government that will be made a crime.
You can support Romancing The Vote AND get an amazing wings shawl--or many other things!
This enormously beautiful rainbow scarf, for all who want to spread their wings and soar. www.32auctions.com/o...
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
Hi! I'm going to yell about something you can get on Romancing the Vote: 1 hour of Kate Elliott's time on your worldbuilding. It's currently a steal at just over $100. it shoudl be three times that, easily. www.32auctions.com/organization...
1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Elliottwww.32auctions.com Auction item '1-Hour Worldbuilding Consult w/ Kate Elliott' hosted online at 32auctions.
Your honor, with all due respect, you may ask yourself, "Am I right, am I wrong?" And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?!"
Your honor, with all due respect, I wanna be sedated
Well, the house is nearly fully primed. Carpentry repairs are nearly completed. (Except the front porch, which needs a complete tear-down and rebuild that will have to wait for the next royalty cycle. Old houses, man.) I can't wait to see what it's going to look like once the actual paint goes on!
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
Writers are like vampires-- we only go where we're invited. * Have a local con? Ask the concom! * Want a signing near you? Talk to your local indie. See if they tour. Some writers will Zoom with a book club! * Local lit fest? Request an author! We love invites, but travel is $, so we need support.
I have finished the scene I was working on, and now I need to start the next scene. Because there is no justice in this world. But I did make myself a cappuccino and at least It's waking me up. And the next scene promises to be fun.
"I want to read some books about competence-porn queers instead of disaster queers," I think, writing another book about a lesbian trapped on a strange planet with the girl who dumped her, a pirate, a space marine, and a giant bug.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth Bear
I am just a little deja vue about this, because surely I have seen Leonora Carrington being rediscovered on previous occasions? But find this a bit of a pattern with women creators perhaps.... constantly needing rediscovery?
I love Leonora Carrington's work. Her life story is truly fascinating, and her best friend in her Mexico years, Remedios Varo, was the inspiration behind the Surrealist painter Anna Naverra in my novel The Wood Wife. www.theguardian.com/artanddesign...
Long ignored, at last the surrealist art of Leonora Carrington is getting the attention it’s duewww.theguardian.com The artist and writer is celebrated in a new UK show – but why was a woman of such talent so little known in her lifetime, asks her cousin?
Or three, or four....
Here’s my little bit of wisdom for new writers coming up: everyone who makes it as an artist or writer has their career shot out from under them a time or two.
Sure why not Pronouns: She/they Height 5'8" Shoe size: 42 Smoke: no Tattoos: One decorative, four to aim the proton gun Piercings: 6 surviving out of 9 total Fave Drink: duckshit oolong, gen mai cha, sencha, birch beer, seltzer, stout, or whisk(e)y
Pronouns: She/her Height 5'6" Shoe size 42 Smoke: no, edibles, yes Tattoos: numerous, usually colorful, and occasionally ill-advised Piercings: One surviving out of a depressing number of attempts Fave Drink: Red Bull in the mornings, a nice peaty scotch in the evenings
Le Blanc Bear
The Great Hades Bake-Off I would bet money this already exists on AO3.
It's hard to concentrate with people pounding on my house and sawing wood, but I got an hour of writing done on White Space IV. I'm participating in the Clarion Write-A-Thon for 6 weeks, and you can support this great workshop with a sponsorship here: clarionwriteathon.com/members/prof...
Clarion Write-a-Thonclarionwriteathon.com The Clarion Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) charitable status
The inimitable Elise has a lot of discontinued perfumes for sale!
WHEW. OK, I finally got all the perfumes listed. It's a lot. Also, I added one ridiculously big-purchase freebie for someone who's been trying to track down Bandit by Robert Piguet. Sealed, new in box. It's a quest object for some. Maybe for you? Go see: elisem.dreamwidth.org/1999140.html