
I think we, The Online, don't properly appreciate just how pervasive not wanting Trump back is among normal people
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
the chuds are loud and it makes it east confuse volume with numbers, and numbers are how votes get counted. AG Sulzberger's alt right infested youtube homepage might have made him forget Trump was President before and it was 4 years of absolute suckage, but your neighbors haven't.
I think we, The Online, do not appreciate just how much the average person does not want to think about politics AT ALL, and especially in the summer.
I am apparently blocked from that, so I will just say that as someone who lives in SE MI and sees the lifted truck trump flag crowd regularly gather a couple miles down the road, it is very hard to feel like it's not a looming eventuality.
like part of the not-online people problem is not being aware of shittier shit lurking. Most of the people I know stand on the dock and shield their eyes from the glare of the water so to them a shark is at most a small triangle that cruises on the surface & they dont believe there's more underwater
I would think so but what the fuck is with these polls Why are so many people in them non voters in 2020 like why do they even pass likely voter screen. Why do they have him running 20-30. Like I get nobody with half a brain picks up their phone but what is going on
I don't know why it still surprises me when I click through and see two or three people having an extended Politics Insider discussion about Biden being mentally fit and his administration being "quietly progressive"