
due to the process I've been going through to ensure my and my family's safety after the doxxing incidents, I've been put in a bit of a financial tight spot, but I don't want help without providing something in return so I am temporarily opening up art commissions until next week
In addition, I'll also be taking Cameo requests for the next week as well. Happy to say some fun things in my own voice, JoCrap, or any of the voices I do in my streams or D&D campaigns
JoCat | JoCat on Cameo! Cameo lets you book personalized videos from your favorite people.
Thanks to your Cameo our raid group FINALLY cleared the first boss in Another Sil’dihn Subterrane after SEVERAL MONTHS OF PROGGING. Thanks for the bardic inspiration! Love Viola, Ses, Sez, Tatater, and Morgiana. 💖
SOLD! Roast me you mad lad! I can take it!
You are amazing, king. Keep your family safe
Hmm, my husband could use a Jocrap-style pep talk
Just to check, how long can cameo requests be? Me and my D&D groups have always been big fans of your content and positivity! I'll be starting a new campaign in about a month so I thought it could be really cool for the group if I could get an intro read for them. Would that be an alright request?
Never mind apparently, cameo is too short to leave the intro ( about a 1000 words) and I am not allowed to leave a link to a google doc to compensate. Don't suppose you have any other options for a video request?
Ugh, every time I think of what happened to you it makes me wanna scream. Hang in there JoCat. 🫂
You’re one of the good ones. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Do you have a Ko-Fi/Paypal people can donate to?
+1 I don't need any drawings or cameos, but I would like to donate after what happened to him 🫤
The post specifically says he doesn't want help without providing anything in return
It's good to hear from you JoCat. I hope things get better for you and your family.
Note to self, write you up an email when I get home from work! ^.^
Addendum- The wife would also like a commission too so if it's alright I'm just going to get the two of us together in my email.
I'd only recently heard about what happened and I sincerely hope things improve for you and yours. 🧡
Welcome back! I heard about you from Tipster on his livestream. I must say you're one cool dude and amazing content creator! That song you did was fire! No matter what those negative idiots say they're just bitter people who like to bring people down. Don't let them get to you, stay strong my bud!
Here's hoping it clears up quickly. You've gone through enough. The world hasn't treated you fairly because some people are just out right mean. Keep your head up when you can JoCat, you're still a hero to many. You're a hero to me.
Getting my old character sheet. 5e paladin
My first 5e character was a Oath of Devotion Paladin. Where my Torm boys be at?
Tyr oath of vengeance pulled the deck of many things. Alignment flip card.
The uno reverse card of the deck. Though think I got unlucky and yanked out death after my second draw. Fun one shot though.
I wish I could help, but for what it's worth, I'm so glad to hear that you're still around. We've missed you!!!!
You inspired me to try out D&D and for that you have my thanks - when my funds become better I’ll gladly request a comm…hope things will become better
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Hope all will work out for you with these comms ;w;/
Can't participate but shared it along. Hope you'll be doing fine soon.
You deserve so much better and I hope you are well! I think you’re great 🙏
What's the best way to contact you about art comissions? That isn't the accursed bird app?
If you read the post it says to email
yep, I was so livid at the whole situation I forgot how to read. its okay tho I emailed yesterday (and hopefully early enough to get a spot)
No worries then, just figured since it'd been almost a day with no answer I'd point you in the right direction. Good luck!
You're an absolute gem of a person Really, one of the greats I hope you get all of the commissions!!
Sorry to hear that happened, hope you get the money
It's very tempted to make a joke related to one of your latests posts on here. But I'll just wish you much luck and take care. What happened to you massively sucks.
Given a certain video of yours inspired my love of kobolds that lead to one of my current d&d characters, I'm defintley going to try and get a portrait comission! Hope it all helps, especially given all the money you helped raise for people like me.
Sent a commission inquiry, because getting to comm ya has been a huge dream of mine! And hope things are going well on your end
wishing you and your family the best Jocat