Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud

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Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud


Former teen heartthrob, scriptwriter, occasional historian, Witch-King of Angmar, and Professor of Air Bud Studies. they/he/sometimes she? Not consistent about pronouns anymore.
Doomers blocked on sight.
In a stunning upset in Glasgow, all six seats were won by past or future incarnations of Doctor Who.
All right, it’s a new day, are you guys gonna be fun today or what?
Goddamn it it’s a great 5 minutes for other countries doing things that we ought to but can’t.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
Ableism: the one form of bigotry that you can always, always expect, even from your ostensive political ‘allies’
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
BREAKING: Assad's forces and Russia bombard the vicinity of the village of Kansafra in the Idlib countryside, Syria, with cluster bombs.
Ruin a popular videogame by changing one word: Sonic the Smeghog Dicks the Fox Knucklefucks the Echidna Slur the Hedhehog Weed Burning Sensation the Pussy Two Gay Lizard Dads and a Bumblefuck
ruin a popular videogame by changing one word: Jizz Jackrabbit
Fun ways to celebrate Steve Rogers’ birthday: Punch a nazi Turn into a werewolf Make your new best friend dress like your old, dead best friend Get frozen for decades Break spells with the power of your piercing blue eyes Hang out with former criminals Get pegged by a girl with pink hair
America is a country that occupies the land of my nation and which shouldn't have existed in the first place, but I'm still proud to be a member of a country founded on the ideal, no matter how hypocritical it's been in practice, that no man is above another. That is an ideal worth fighting for.
There are many people on here who will sneer at people for celebrating July 4th and others who will tear their clothes and declare there's nothing about America worth celebrating right now and I'll be too busy making a bear roast and homminy to listen to them.
too many people's plan for when fascism comes to america seems to be to wait for the corpse of vladimir ilyich ulyanov to rise up and lead us in a rousing chorus of do you hear the people sing
When nerds call something ‘bad writing’, what they mean is ‘I didn’t like it but I’m too insecure to call it an opinion because I need to Be Right’ There are no exceptions to this
I don't think we should resolve the South China Sea dispute. I think we should egg it on. We keep this up, and we can trick everybody into creating a whole new continent. We can raise Lemuria if only we have the courage
not sure why there's an expectation that you treat chapo trap house any differently than alex jones just because their sandy hook is in syria
Didn’t even need to click through to guess the author’s race an gender. Do you what you want, fucker. But too many people got savaged by dogs, blasted with fire hoses, and hung from trees to get me into the voting booth for me to ever opt out.
It is time to stop paying the New York Times a dime. Yes, that includes Wordle and the recipes. Sorry.
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
Even if you grant that Biden has concerning cognitive issues, it is insane to conclude that Trump is an *improvement*
most fucking americans think trump is a dangerous asshole. start from there. don’t let these people tell you otherwise. think of every person you’ve ever met that likes donald trump and think of what every person that deals with them thinks. same as 2020.
man, you work in a cubicle or a kitchen or a factory or a warehouse or wherever you work, the NYT oped board thinks you work in a corner office with an expansive view of NYC and go home to a 3BR apartment in a high rise, but you don’t have to believe them or treat them as if you do.
these fucking fascists were stronger in 2020 that they are now and they are only getting stronger now because columnists in the least representative cities in america are both bored and lazy. break these fuckers.
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
This is really helpful context, and I'd frankly completely forgotten about the whole fabricated "Hillary health scandal" before the fabricated emails scandal.
The wilhelm scream isn't funny. Those characters are dying
Blocking everyone who comes into my mentions to say that we should vote third party or not vote at all does wonders for my sanity
Hopefully after I look at it in the morning, I won’t hate the writing I did today
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you ?
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you ?
Cause this is too much of a white people website
Wait, why am I just now learning about this?