
Civil War historian here when you fly the Confederate flag in your political rallies in 2024 you are announcing that you are a traitor to the American republic and uphold human bondage.
Kari Lake gave Senate campaign speech in front of a Confederate The optics of a Confederate flag behind Lake on the Arizona campaign trail can only hamper her efforts to appeal to moderates.
WTF is that thin green line flag for?
Same thing as the blue line but its for military. Somehow pride flags are a problem but conservatives have a whole rainbow flag of thin lines.
I’m old enough to remember when this was all a bunch of tacky ribbon stickers on cars
I'm old enough to remember when the flag code actually meant something to conservatives.
I called out a bunch of locals once on it, and suddenly they were all constitutional scholars talking about the SCOTUS said it’s cool - but flag burning/stepping/whatever is bad. Flag on your taint, though? Thats foreplay.