
Civil War historian here when you fly the Confederate flag in your political rallies in 2024 you are announcing that you are a traitor to the American republic and uphold human bondage.
Kari Lake gave Senate campaign speech in front of a Confederate The optics of a Confederate flag behind Lake on the Arizona campaign trail can only hamper her efforts to appeal to moderates.
i wont speak for everyone, but as the son of a history teacher, my personal opinion is thus, *ahem*: general sherman did not go far enough with re: march to the sea, and andrew johnson should be considered a traitor for his failures to uphold reconstruction
When did the US flag stop being good enough for our fucking 'patriots'?
Also, something about participation trophies.
I originally posted this on the former 🐦site: "What "heritage not hate" celebrated by "very fine people" looks like."
WTF is that thin green line flag for?
Same thing as the blue line but its for military. Somehow pride flags are a problem but conservatives have a whole rainbow flag of thin lines.
I’m old enough to remember when this was all a bunch of tacky ribbon stickers on cars
I'm old enough to remember when the flag code actually meant something to conservatives.
I called out a bunch of locals once on it, and suddenly they were all constitutional scholars talking about the SCOTUS said it’s cool - but flag burning/stepping/whatever is bad. Flag on your taint, though? Thats foreplay.
That's why the leftiest left person in town (me) is the Flag Committee chairman. When I first moved here, official flags on Memorial Day were at full-staff. I enquired if I could move them. I also asked I could replace them since they were worn out. Boom. You're on the flag committee.
And the only ones they ever fly are the ones that are for solidarity with bootlickers and fascists. Never see the "Thin Red Line" flag or the "Thin White Line" flag anywhere. For Firefighters and Paramedics, you know people who actually save people.
That's the least military green they could have picked
Looks more like the thin green line for budtenders
This is the flag of people who fought for the license to sell their own children on open auction as sex slaves, but delight in accusing their opponents of pedophilia.
If Kari Lake is campaigning with Confederate flags, she's clearly supporting the insurrection the 14th Amendment was written about, and not some new-fangled "maybe it's an insurrection or maybe it's just lots of freedom of assembly" sense.
You weren’t kidding about the awfulness of the comments at the Other Place. Holy cow!
Yeah it’s gotten progressively worse!
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find your way through the vileness to the content you want. Unfortunately, the algorithms have only amplified the hate.
Yes that was Musks intention.
Right. How complex is that?
I don't see the Confederate flag in the image though? Is it just a bad picture or something?
also it makes me very angry to see them fly the evil thin (green?) line flag next to the Gadsden flag.
There are a lot of evil, nutjobs in the MAGA cult but batshit crazy Lake may be one of the worst. Hopefully she get beat as bad by Gallego as bad as she got beat by Katie Hobbs in 2020 AZ Gov race.
…billionaires want slavery again…
Arizona has a long history of wackos. It's sad the mainstream parties are now embracing it.
Alas, that is precisely what many of them mean. They have no interest in the ideals of America would be quite happy to see their 'interiors' reduced to chattel slavery. When the media gets over the 'good people on both sides', the general public will start to see that.
Lake is a conniving snake but it’s important to know this “rally” was held a Trump flag store. Her campaign should be chastised for not removing it but it wasn’t their decision to fly it. It was sadly already there
“Democratic narrative of her as an extremist.” No, so-called journalist who wrote this, it isn’t their “narrative,” fucker is proudly an extremist.
Is the thin green line flag for weed dealers
OK, so it isn't "woke" to fly the Confederate Flag, I get that why is it "woke" to display the Nazi Flag and wear SWASTIKA armbands... wouldn't these be Traitors, too? Hell, even Germany has outlawed Nazi icons....
These people are the furtherest you could get from Woke!
I think you missed the point ...THEY aren't woke, it's the woke group that says it isn't woke to step on them....see how that works?