
You mean like...
Wow, the party of liberty. Except when you disagree with them. Then it's ok to threaten you, call you "inhuman rot," and drive you from your home. ( you may find this, ahem, interesting)
Umm wouldn’t that be pretty openly calling for violence against someone? And be kinda illegal?
Is this real? Because this totally goes against the Non-Aggression Principle.
The LP has been pretty well taken over by people with no idea about the NAP or any principles really.
It wasn't taken over by people who don't understand it; they've always been like this. I mean, look at how many of the old guard turned themselves blue on colloidal silver.
Tons of crackpots, always have been. LP has been 5 weirdos that don't agree about anything in a trench coat pretending to be a party forever. But the left-libertarian subcategory has been almost completely driven out by anti-immigration gun nut types. Culminating in the Mises Caucus takeover.
Except that this year's LP presidential nominee is the gay left libertarian, implying that the Mises Caucus is losing its grip.
Left is a bit of a stretch
Fine. But he was decidedly Not the "Misertarian" candidate, so it's a positive sign. We'll see how it goes from here