
“Rishi Sunak has gone to see The King.” I’m still trying to process we have a King now, and we aren’t living in the monochrome world of the 1930s, are we?
It’s so archaic, but at least we now have a labour government that’s half the battle won.
I’m not a monarchist, but not really a republican either. It’s just not one of those things I don’t give much thought to. In the great scheme of things, I’d rather something was done about a lot of other problems the country has, before worrying about them.
That’s true there’s plenty of problems to fix that have a higher priority. There should be a referendum at some point though, but it will take a few decades for that to ever happen.
I get the feeling that would be a pretty straightforward win for the monarchy. It’s a lot easier to have them always there, instead of voting for a president, which sounds too American, or worse, French.
Incidentally, that’s not my opinion on the matter, just what I see people saying if we ever have a referendum.
That would be my action as PM, bring back Pathé. Ok, second, after putting Noel Edmunds in custody for crimes against humanity.
You are Count Binface AICMFP
Does he want Edmunds locked up too? Good man.
I don't know about that (I'm sure he'd be amenable) but among his policies were bringing back Ceefax and nationalising Adele.
Looks like Starmer has brought back the cavaliers to be his bodyguard when meeting the public, so anything is possible.