
“Rishi Sunak has gone to see The King.” I’m still trying to process we have a King now, and we aren’t living in the monochrome world of the 1930s, are we?
It’s so archaic, but at least we now have a labour government that’s half the battle won.
I’m not a monarchist, but not really a republican either. It’s just not one of those things I don’t give much thought to. In the great scheme of things, I’d rather something was done about a lot of other problems the country has, before worrying about them.
That’s true there’s plenty of problems to fix that have a higher priority. There should be a referendum at some point though, but it will take a few decades for that to ever happen.
I get the feeling that would be a pretty straightforward win for the monarchy. It’s a lot easier to have them always there, instead of voting for a president, which sounds too American, or worse, French.
Incidentally, that’s not my opinion on the matter, just what I see people saying if we ever have a referendum.